The Good, The Bad, and The Darkside

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A little something new that's actually the third reboot of a certain original character. This chapter is SUPER long because of important intros, but I don't expect the others to be any longer than 2,000 words after this. I'm not usually a longfic writer. ^^;

Thank you for reading!

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Nothing was going right for Terra, Aqua, and Ventus at the moment. To be fair though, usual Darksides were not this difficult to deal with. This one, on the other hand, had some sort of immunity to damage that Terra, Aqua, and Ven couldn't figure out. The usual 'hack and slash' method just wasn't working. Between the three of them, Aqua was growing the most frustrated. She had fought plenty of Darksides in her ten year abandonment here in the realm of darkness. So why was this one the most problematic of them all?

"Ven," the Keyblade master shouted at the youngest wielder, "Use Aeroga from underneath the Darkside. See if we can't get it unbalanced."

"Right!" the young man agreed with a quick nod.

With the younger of the trio going to safe place to release the spell, Aqua then commanded to Terra, "Terra- when Ven lets off the spell, I want you to perform Meteor Crash. Try to aim the projectiles to the Darkside's chest."

"Got it." her peer agreed, making quick work to get into position.

The Darkside watched them with disinterest as the trio got into their places. It was when Ventus activated Aeroga that the creature of darkness realized that a greater plan had been formed. Aqua's plan for Ven's spell to disorient the Darkside had worked, but the creature had started to prepare its counterattack. Before Terra could even get a hit in, the Darkside sent a volley of darkness to knock Aqua back, thinking her to be the greater foe for organizing the other two.

Aqua was just able to block the attack, but the shock caused her to get thrown back a good ways from the fight.

"Aqua!" Terra shouted when he saw the Keyblade master go flying from the attack. He quickly ran to her side for help, leaving Ventus to deal with the Darkside alone.

From under his helmet, Ven bit his lip as he tried to think of some way to subdue the creature before it seriously hurt one of them. As his mind thought a bit too fast from the strategies he knew, a soft flicker of light caught his attention. He let out a confused sound as he tried to find the exact location of that flicker. When he zeroed in on it, something in Ven froze for a moment in an absent awe. It called out to him. Despite being dim, something about the light felt encouraging.

"Guys," Ven said from over his shoulder, already readying his Keyblade, "I think there's someone in the realm of light that can help us."

Aqua and Terra had only half heard him, and when they did, they both snapped their heads up in near unison.

"Ven, don't!" Terra and Aqua called out at the same time. But it had been too late, Vent had already pointed his Keyblade at the flicker of light.

A beam of light came from Ventus's Keyblade to the flicking one, and when the two connected, the flicker became a strong beacon that shone down on the three of them. In seconds, the light enveloped the trio and the Darkside before Ven could even utter the word, "Oops."


For once, everything is Wasteland was going along just right today. The buzz of activity that surrounded a parade as grand as this energized the air and everyone within in. King Oswald himself had even come out for this special moment. His face beamed while he looked on at the decorations around Mean Street, the crowd that had started to form at the sidewalks, and his own nervous hands wringing inside each other.

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