Papa's Hopping Mad

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I feel like I took too long writing this chapter, which is weird because it's only been a week. Things kinda went downhill after the announcement of Union Cross and Dark Road going offline, it seems like...

Thank you for reading!

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The fire station apartment had a rather tall grandfather clock in it. Its timing incredibly precise for something that existed in an abandoned part of Mean Street. At the sitting chairs in front of the curtained window, two Chirithy sat opposite of each other in an almost perfect mirror image. They each sat with their heads leaning on the arm rest as they looked up at the ceiling.

"So you belong to her." Ven's Chirithy mused.


"And you still can not tell me who told you not to say anything about it?"


Ven's Chirithy gave a rather disgruntled sigh. "It couldn't have been her." it decided. "Not unless there was a solid reason why she would want to forget her past."

"Is there ever a solid reason to keep our wielders' memories from them?" Sabrina's Chirithy replied with a sad smirk. "It's hard enough watching them grow and having to rely on us less. It was a much simpler time when we could partner up and encourage them to do their very best. But then they grow up. They find better friends. Better cheerleaders..."


Both Chirithy let out a long, sullen sigh at the same time.

"Do you miss spending time with her?" Ven's Chirithy then asked.

For awhile, Sabrina's Chirithy remained silent. It gave a thoughtful hum, but was unable to answer proper when the two of them heard a door open and close. Both Chirithy jumped out of their seats when they saw Oswald come around the corner into the main apartment.

"Chirithy, do you know where Sabrina is? Every time I try to get a cluster of Guardians to guide me to her, they just..." The rabbit cut himself off when he saw the two Chirithy sitting in their opposite chairs. He just stared at them, like he was deciding if he was imagining one or the other. The more he looked between the two of them, the more angered he was starting to be.

"Oswald!" Sabrina's Chirithy exclaimed as it hopped off the chair and over to the rabbit. "I wasn't expecting-"

"She has two now?"

The Chirithy just blinked at him, confused before the realization hit.

"I'm not hers." Ven's Chirithy spoke up as it also got off the chair and over to Oswald. "I belong to Ven."


"The blonde boy that came with the trio of strangers yesterday."

The growing look of hatred caused an equal shiver to run down the Chirithy's back. In a voice failing to hide its seething rage, Oswald demanded, "Where is she?"

. . .

Getting out of a D.E.C. was always harder than getting in to one. For the most part, if you were dexterous enough, you could literally just hop out. While Sabrina did her best to be as nimble as possible, she still had quite a few limitations on how she could exercise. Fighting alongside people who knew what they were doing was proof that she needed to learn more. It was just a matter of doing it under the rabbit's nose that became the big deal.

Sabrina looked on as Terra helped Aqua and Ven out of the D.E.C., then as the musclehead carefully closed the hatch behind his friends. She raised an eyebrow at them as they dusted off their clothes and checked for any further bruising done from the previous fights.

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