numero 8

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they start going on their way and they go to a gas station to get some snacks since it's going to be a long drive. they get takis, hot cheetos, drinks, and more. they are obviously all in a rush because they are so worried for vianka and what is happening with her. they all leave the gas station and jump in the car and go immediately on their way after getting gas. on their way lidias driving and all of a sudden BOOM a car crashes into them. jesus was in the passenger seat and well the car crashed right into the passenger seat.☺️ which caused jesus too get badly injured, lidia was fine just had very few scratches and had a headache that wouldn't stop. the boys and girls in the back were also mildly injured. it turned out to be a hit and run so once they became conscious once again they tried waking up jesus but he wouldn't wake up, his heart was still beating and he still had a pulse but he just wouldn't wake up, lidia was so worried for him. while lidia was trying to wake him back up, everyone went out to the other car to check if the driver was ok only too realize that it was a hit and run. they started panicking and they all had no idea what too do, lidia was still balling her eyes out because of jesus. she was so terrified and she had no idea what to do and she was so worried mia decides too call the cops and once they arrive they take the body too the hospital because their weren't any ambulances available due too covid. once they got too the hospital they rushed jesus too the ER once they are all waiting outside of jesus' room after about half an hour the doctor finally came out and said she had some sad news.

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