chapter 2

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Eli: *shoots ramstone*

Alias: watch out kid! *shoots Grenuke*

Grenuke: *bounces off wall and hits Eli*

Eli: ow!!! *accidentally shoots Novabolt*

Alias: oh god! *Jumps out of the way* haha! You missed me!

Eli: oh yeah! *tackles Alias*

Alias: get of me rapist!

Trapsie: my leader is being raped! It's a matter of time before I get raped!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! *runs away on her mecha beast*

Eli: what? I'm not raping him!

Alias: get of me!

Eli: ok *gets of him then jumps and shoots Novabolt down*

Novabolt: sends Alias flying

Kord: *dancing to koo koo kangaroo* Get get yo body body mo- mo- moving!

Trixie: really kord???

Kord: *instantly stops trying to hide he was dancing* what?

Trixie: your dancing at a time like this?

Kord: no I'm not!

Pronto: *trying to steal Trixie's gum again*

Trixie: PRONTO!!! *litteraly shoots him in the face with a megamorfed frostcrawler*

Frostcrawler: *freezes Pronto*

Pronto: I hate you!!! *gets frozen solid*

Kord: YAY!

Random kid: I need an adult...

Kord: I am an adult!

Random kid: you're a cave troll! and trolls troll!

Kord: *knees kid In the stomach* YAYYYYY!!!

Random kid: *falls to the ground* must get up!

Kord: shutup kid!

Random: *struggling to get up*

Kord: it's no use you'll ne- ooff!!!

Random kid: *punches kord in his d**k*

Kord: *faints*

Everyone in the area: *jaw on the floor*

Eli's thoughts: that kid looks familiar

Random kid: I am flin!

Eli: *jaw on the floor*

Trixie: Eli what's wrong

Eli: that's my little brother!

Everyone: wait you have a brother???

Flin: yeah

Eli: it's to dangerous out here bro you need to find a way home!

Flin: don't worry I got good slugs

Eli: do you have a good blaster? If you don't this us what'll happen *pulls out his old blaster*

Flin: oh god! What happened to that thing???

Eli: yeah burpy kinda got to strong for it and it broke

Burpy: yeah *nodding on every word Eli says*

Flin: ohhhh... anyways I went to Redhook's and he gave me a blaster like yours

Eli: What??? But he said he made 2!

Flin: somehow he knew I was coming and he made me one

Eli: weirdo

Flin: yeah

Twist: this is the reason why I like to eat some pie lulululu eating in the shower, crafting in the mirror lululullulullulululullululu eating in the shower

Everyone: *staring at twist* kkkkkk...

Twist: aw crap I said that out loud

Billy: can someone get me a cast? I think that sico woman broke my arm

Everyone: no one cares Billy!

Billy: awww...

Pronto: atleast I can talk!

Eli: so?

Flin: *burns the ice, punches Pronto and blasts him with a megamorfed ramstone*

Ramstone: *punches Pronto and gives him a black eye*

Billy: hello I'm gonna faint!

Glasses: *glasses fall off* sorry I'm blind!

Shorty: *comes flying in* boss!!!

Billy: Uhhhhhh... tell black that I'm in a coma

Shorty: but you didn't faint!

Billy: I'm in a coma... bleh! *faints*

Glasses: here my glasses are!!!

Eli: *steals Glasses's glasses*

Glasses: Eli just came and stole my glasses!!!!!

Eli: *crushes the glasses* I was already here!!!

???: *talking over phoneline* have you took down the shane yet?

Shorty: no Dr. Blakk, Billys in a coma...

Dr. Blakk: *silent for a second* W** happened!!??

Shorty: yeah Billy kissed a man-

Dr. Blakk: wait... I have a gay associate???

Shorty: I didn't know myself!!!

Dr. Blakk: anyways continue on with your story...

Shorty: wait how do I know this I wasn't here! Anyways after he kissed the man Trixie shor him with ramstone over and over and know he's in a coma...

Dr. Blakk: *silent*

Dr. Blakk: ready that blaster cannon thing

Dumb associates: ok sire

Glasses: *jumps into a lava pit* I heard glasses being crushed they better not have been mine! Wait... why is it suddenly getting hotter? Ahhhhhhhh!!! *gets incinerated in the lava*

Eli: well... he had stupid life didn't he?

Shorty: yeah he did...

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