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Death, it's sudden and unexpected. It's sadness, grief, depressing and regret. But, death of a loved one can break you off. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it isn't. But, at the end, you hold onto the memories of the past even if there weren't always good ones.

Demetrius sat in the room listening to Outside Today by NBA Youngboy. He sat at his table drawing a new tattoo design in his notebook. He called it 'complicated love' and his inspiration came from his own relationship. Everything was complicated right now and he hated it.

He was keeping his cool and being respectful towards Constance little moods she was having. Only a couple of days had passed and things been fine for the part. If not talking to your girlfriend and staying away from her was considered fine, then that's how their relationship was.

His music stopped playing as his phone started ringing. He picked it up seeing his mom calling him. He answered it, putting it to his ear.

"Yes, ma'am." he answered as he heard crying in the background. It took awhile for Octavia to finally say something since she was processing her thoughts.

"Demi, I need you to come to the hospital." Octavia told him making him sit up in his seat.

"For what? Is everything okay with you and pops?" he asked concerned.

Octavia sigh, "Yes, we're fine Demetrius." she answered.

"Okay, so why-"

"Demetrius, your father is in the hospital and I need you to come urgently." Octavia cut him off, Demetrius freezing.

"Demi, I just need you here ASAP, so please hurry." She added when Demi didn't reply back.

"I-umm, yeah I'll be there mom. Just give me a few minutes." he told her getting up quickly.

"Okay, Demi just please hurry." she told him before hanging up. He grabbed his jacket, rushing out his room.

"I'll be back." He told Tatiana before storming out. He quickly got in his car and starting it up.

As much shit Darnell did in the past, he hoped his dad was alright.

Demetrius hurried in the hospital seeing his mom, Remy and his grandfather in the lobby

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Demetrius hurried in the hospital seeing his mom, Remy and his grandfather in the lobby. "Pops." he called out walking up to them. "Is everything okay? Where's Liam?" he asked not seeing him around.

"He's fine, he's still at school." Remy answered one of his questions. He wasn't sure how to answer the other one since he wasn't sure what happened to Darnell. He was just hoping he was going to be okay.

"Brooks family." a doctor called out causing all of them to look over. He walked over to the family, holding his clipboard to his chest.

"Is Darnell going to be alright doc?" Remy asked, his eyes starting to water a little as he waited for the news.

The doctor sigh, not wanting to break the bad news. "I'm sorry, but Darnell didn't make it. The tumor spread to the other side of his brain, there was no way for us to treat it." he finally said seeing as all their faces dropped.

"No...no!" Remy shouted, falling down to his knees. He kept shouting and crying, Octavia kneeling down to his side consoling him.

"Are we able to see him?" Eugene asked the doctor, breaking the silence.

"Yes, your able to see him just let a nurse know and she'll direct you. I'm sorry for your lost." the doctor said before walking away. Eugene look over at Demetrius who stood there staring at the floor in front of him.

He didn't know what to say or do because he was stuck on the news. His dad was gone, really gone and wasn't coming back. He never thought he would experience this day so soon where he had to bury his own family. And he didn't even get to say his goodbyes either. They had left on bad terms and now his dad was gone for good. A single tear dropped from his eye and he quickly wiped it.

Coming back to reality, he look at Remy who was still on the floor crying. He wipe his face getting himself together before kneeling down to help his mom.

"Pops, come on." he told him, helping him up.


"Pops, it'll be okay."

Constance sat on the couch picking at her nails

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Constance sat on the couch picking at her nails. Hearing the front door opened, she look at the clock on the wall reading the time. Demetrius took off his shoes, placing them by the door then shutting the door behind him. He wipe his face, tired from being with his mom trying to console his pops.

"If you was gonna come home late, you could've said something." Constance remarked once he came into view.

Demetrius let out a sigh looking over at her, "Constance, I wasn't out cheating if that's what your getting at." he told her dryly, not wanting to argue.

She scoffed, "Yeah, right. You was ignoring my calls and text, so something must've had your attention, but it doesn't matter" she replied.

"Jesus Constance, my dad literally died a few hours ago. I didn't know you was calling me because I was busy trying to help my pops out." he shook his head and she quickly look back at him.

"Are you serious?" she asked getting off the couch and walking over to him. "Babe, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." she apologized.

"It's fine, I just-" he paused, shaking his head knowing that if he continued he was going to cry. Constance pulled him in a hug feeling bad, Demetrius hugging her back tightly.

"It's going to be okay baby." she assured him. Demetrius shut his eyes enjoying the moment in her arms.

Whenever he needed her the most, she was right there with no question. He just wished she knew he was would do the same.

 He just wished she knew he was would do the same

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a. R.I.P Darnell

b. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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