Chapter 1 ♡The Red String♡

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Momo's POV

"I-I like you!!" I blushed brightly.

The boy who I like stared into my eyes, speechless and not knowing what to say.

"I-I'm so sorry, Yaoyorozu...but I don't feel the same way.." He said.

I felt my heart getting heavier as those words repeated in my head. I was almost on the verge of tears and it's literally Valentine's Day.

"O-Oh it's alright! It was stupid of me to think you would like me back anyways." I faked a laughed as I just gave him the chocolates I made for him.


"It's okay, you don't have to feel sorry." I smiled as I walked past by him and left.

I couldn't help but feel so stupid. It was obvious that the red string didn't appear whenever I was near him nor did the other end attached to his finger. I always thought that he and I would be soulmates even without the string. My red string always led to somewhere else but I never was the type of person to follow where it leads. To who it leads.

I hate being heartbroken.

Every guy I loved in the past, I never end up with cause we were never soulmates. Why do I still keep continuing this?!

As I continued to walk, tears started to stream down my face as I wiped them off. No matter how much I didn't want to think about it, his words were too much of an impact for me to forget.

"Yaoyorozu!! Are you there?!! PLEASE WAKE UP!!"

My mind was soon out of the trance and woken to terrible headache with a blood all over my forehead.

Is it still gaining on us??

I felt myself being dragged by stern arms as if I was fused into them.

That's when I remembered that Awase have been carrying me this whole time..and that Nomu is still chasing us.

"I-I'm sorry, Awase. I-I'm fine.." I weakly said.

I tried to think..but my head hurts too much and I'm slowing Awase down.

He groaned in frustration as he stopped in is tracks. Awase soon hugged me tight trying to protect me with his own body. I felt the warmth from his hug and I felt so safe yet he's risking his own self and probably his life just for me.

I closed my eyes shut, waiting for the worst consequence happening...until..Awase slowly loosened his grip.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that the Nomu retracted it's chainsaws and soon walked away.

"It's...leaving??" Awase questioned.

If he's leaving..then that means...did the villains achieved their goal?? Oh no...Bakugou!! Think Yaoyorozu, what is the best thing to do at a time like this??

I then closed my hand into a fist as I soon created a small tracking device and handed it over to Awase.

"Awase, use your quirk and attach it to the Nomu." I said to him.

He then took it and asked, "What is this?? Some kind of button?"

"Just do it before it gets away!"

Awase then ran over to it and soon weld it to the Nomu. He then hid behind the tree and watched as it walked away.

"I did what you told me to, Yaoyorozu. That thing is definitely not gonna get it out." He said.

"Thank you Awase."

"That was really scary..let's get going." He said as he ran back to me.


Awase soon carried me on his back and weld my arms on his should and picked me up from my legs. He removed his bandana and placed it on my head to cover the bleeding a bit and soon weld his hand on my legs before running back to camp.

I then closed my eyes so I can continue to rest and before I knew it, complete darkness surrounded me.

Time skip: The next morning...

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and felt the light of the sun peeking through the curtains. I was laying on a soft bed and my eyes scanned the place, knowing that I was in a hospital.

I sat up and scanned more of the place. I can feel a bandage covering up my head as the pain was still somewhat there, but much better after last night.

Then, the sudden memory appeared once again. It was the one that I had last night when Awase was carryng me. I couldn't help but clutch my fist and shut my eyes closed, hoping I wouldn't tear up just because of a rejection.

Oh who am I kidding? A rejection like the ones I had before have always painful, especially with all those confessions I made back in middle school.

I looked back on my finger, just looking at and remembering the sight of that red string, when I was stupid to know that the ones who I liked were never the ones who I ended up with.

The door soon opened and it was Awase.

"Oh! You're awake." He smiled.

I smiled back, "Yeah.."

"How do you feel?" He asked as he closed the door and got a chair and sat beside my bed.

"I feel head hurts a little but 'm okay. How about you?" I asked.

"I'm fine as well." He smiled.

"Thank you for helping and saving me, Awase." I softly smiled at him as I placed my hand on his.

His face turned red as he nervously chuckled, "I-It's no worries. I-I was just d-doing what's right."

"Once I get recovered, I want to treat you something."

"Y-You shouldn't do that. It's fine, I'm happy and grateful enough to see you here all and well." He said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Of course." He shyly smiled.

We both continued to talk and just got to know each other a little more. We talked about a lot of things and I enjoyed his company, not only that but I'm glad he came to visit. Then, a sudden thought came in mind.

"Hey Awase?"


"Just a random question, have you figured out who your soulmate is?" I asked.

Awase looked away, "No..not really. Whenever the string appeared, I always wanted to follow it to see who my soulmate is, yet my parents tell me to not follow it because who knows how far he or she could be."

I chuckled sadly, "I wasn't the type of person to follow where the string could lead. I always had crushes on a lot of boys back in middle school, yet they were never the ones for me. I always wondered who could be more perfect than the boys I have met."

"Not everything we wish to expect can happen. Even I had crushes back in middle school too but none of them were the one, even I always get rejected by them." He said as he looked at me.

"That's why I don't wanna focus on the red string anymore..or at least..not yet. Our goal as Pro Heroes is way more important...but deep down, the temptation to know who my soulmate is also there too." 

"Maybe you should try following your string next time. See where your string leads once it appears again." Awase suggested.

"Maybe I should." I smiled.

Destiny : An Awamomo(Awase x Momo) SOULMATE AU {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now