Chapter 6 ♡Ship♡

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Momo's POV

          It was another bright early morning here at U.A. and everyone was just doing their usual things like beading to class, talking to some friends and more.

I was walking in the halls with my friends, heading to my locker first to get my books.

"Wow Yaomomo, you and Awase sound like you both had a really great time!" Tsuyu ribbit.

"Yeah, it's not everyday you can easily get along with a someone new, especially when they're from Class 1-B." Jiro chuckled.

I giggled, "He's a really nice guy actually so he really is very easy to talk with."

I opened my locker and found a small box, wrapped in a pink wrapping paper with a white ribbon on top.

My eyes widened in shock as I took out the small box out of my locker.

"What'cha got there, Yaomomo?" Mina asked.

Hagakure gasped in shock, "Did someone gave you something???"

"I-I have no idea.." I said.

"Well then, open it!!" Uraraka said and I did what I was told.

I opened the small box and my eyes widened once more as my jaw dropped. Butterflies started flying over in my stomach and my heart fluttering like crazy. It was the necklace that I saw yesterday in that jewelry store.

"Woahh, it's so pretty!!" Tsuyu said.

"But who's it from??" Jiro asked.

"I-I don't know..there's not tag or any name here." I replied.

"Is the person anonymous or something??" Hagakure questioned.

"I guess so..?" Mina said.

That's when I remembered, Awase was the only one who knew about this necklace. Did he...bought it for me?? As a gift??

I started to look around, hoping to see if Awase was here but he was nowhere to be found.

"Who are you looking for Yaomomo??" Uraraka asked.

"N-Nothing...just..someone." I answered.

I took the necklace out of the box and wore it, gave myself a few seconds to admire the beauty of it before even getting my books and continuing to walk to our classroom.

As we were close to our destination, I suddenly found Awase with his friends. They were just chatting and just hanging out outside of their classroom.

I smiled and waved at him, "Good morning, Awase!!"

He noticed me and blushed, "M-Morning, Yaoyorozu."

His gaze landed on the necklace and I can see a small smile plastered on his face.

Maybe I should ask him if he really did bought the necklace for me.

"Hey Awase, can we talk for a bit?" I asked him.

"O-Oh uhh..sure." He said.

I told my friends to go ahead and he did the same thing.

Once they all left, it was just him and I standing in front of each other a bit awakwardly.

Awase coughed to break the awkwardness, "That's a pretty necklace you have there."

I giggled, "It sure is, does it look familiar to you??"

"Yeahhhh...???" He looked away innocently but I knew that he was trying to hide something.

"You bought this for me, didn't you?"

He looked back at me and softly smiled, "Yeah, I did."

I chuckled, "Why would you do that?? You know I can buy it for myself."

"I know, but you were kind of looking a bit down yesterday so I thought maybe giving you a gift would make you feel better." Awase smiled.

"But you already did, you didn't have to buy me something like this. Now I have to think of something to give you." I giggled.

He chuckled, "You don't have to. The only thing I just want to see is you smiling."

My heart fluttered more for some reason and I shyly smiled.

"That's so sweet of you, Awase."

His face heated up more and nervously chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck, "N-No problem, Y-Yaoyorozu."

Why does my heart feel so weird now. Everytime he's smiling now, I can hardly even focus what else is happening other than him in front me.

"I think we should go now, classes are about to begin soon."

I snapped back into reality, "O-Oh right."

We both walked to our classrooms and waved each other a goodbye before heading in.

Awase's POV

          I watched as Yaoyorozu went inside her classroom and I couldn't help but feel my heart fluttering at the moment we just had. I didn't know if I would want to keep myself anonymous for buying the necklace for her, but it feels good to get it off of my chest now, even though it wasn't that long.

I felt a poke on my back, I turned around and it was one of Yaoyorzu's friends. I think Hagakure.

"Oh..can I help you??" I asked her.

"So you're the one who gave the necklace to Yaomomo??" She questioned.

"Y-Yeah..I did, I just thought that maybe I should give her something since she was feeling a bit down. Plus, I figured she would want it." I said.

"Do you like her??"

"I mean..she's a good person and a frie--"

"I mean romantically."


I blushed and coughed awkwardly, "N-No..I don't."


"I'm serious!!"

I can tell she didn't seem quite falling for my act.

I sighed, "It's not like she'll like me back anyways."

"Because of Todoroki??"

"Either that or maybe she just really has no love interest in me." I looked away.

"I mean, based from what she told us, you're quite a nice guy and very kind." Hagakure said sweetly.

"Well that's nice to know, but it's not like it means she will like me the same way." I said.

"You know what I think?"

"What??" I asked.

She then gestured me to come closer and I did. She then whispered in my ear, "I think you two are way cuter than Todoroki and Yaomomo together."

I pulled my face and looked at her, "Uhhhhh"

She giggled, "Don't worry, Awase! As a friend of Yaomomo, I know her like the back of my hand so I'll help you!!"

"That ain't necessary though--"

"Nonsense!! I'm glad to help, if it means for my ship!!" She said proudly.

"Ship??" I questioned.

"You'll understand soon." Hagakure giggled.

"Okayyy...then.." I replied in confusion but I soon shrugged it off. 

Looks like we got ourselves an Awamomo shipper on board UwU

Destiny : An Awamomo(Awase x Momo) SOULMATE AU {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now