Chapter 27

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I expected to wake up with Amelia by my side safe in my arms but instead I woke up with my hands tied, surrounded by lost boys in the same situation.

The adults stood beside an unconscious Henry as he lay on the ground. Nor Amelia or Pan were in sight, I don't think they came back.

Pan was still dying.

"Guys listen to me, we aren't going to hurt you" Emma said looking out among the lost boys. I glanced at Sam who sat tied up beside me, he looked just as confused as I was.

"I know your loyal to Pan and I get that but you are making a terrible mistake. For a long time I never thought I was going to find my family, I was an orphan like all of you. A lost girl."

"But today I was reminded that I'm not alone, that I have people who love me. If that can happen to me then it can happen to you" her speech made a lot of the lost boys look at each other.

"We're not orphans, and we're not all loyal to Pan" Sam argued causing their heads to turn to us.

"Pan and Amelia are our family" I added

"No. Family doesn't do what they did. They lied to you and made you do terrible things" Emma said in a comforting tone.

"We know you, the 'savour' always doing good. So tell me why are you trying to save a murder?" Sam asked.

All their heads turned to us, the adults looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Snow asked as she crouched down beside us, placing a comforting hand onto his knee.

"Wendy...she killed my best friend. All because she was jealous of Amelia, because she thought Pan would leave Wendy for her."

"What they have done was for a reason, a reason you wouldn't understand" I snarled causing Snow to take a few steps back.

"Pan was going to take Henry's heart!" Emma shouted pointing over to his body as he lay on the ground.

Where ever Pan and Amelia were now I could only hope that they were safe.

Emma went on to explain how Pan was doing it to save himself and not the island, looking out at the lost boys I knew not all of us were truly thankful for everything they done for us.

Just me and Sam.

"We can take you home with us to our land, there's no reason to fear Pan anymore. We can stop him for good" Emma explained giving them hope.

I couldn't help but laugh which caused all of them to look at me.

"You don't get it do you? It's not Pan you should be afraid of" I smirked, they all looked at me like I was crazy, but being one of the first lost boys I knew exactly what Lia was capable of.

"Leave while they still allow you to breathe" Sam snarled standing up, he was then pulled back down by Killians Hook as it dug into his shoulder.

" pan?" Emma asked coming face to face with me and Sam. Glancing at one another a smirk etched onto your faces, I taught him well.


There was silence between us as she stared at me, I could clearly see the fear written on her face.

"Can you really bring us home?" Asked one of the boys.

"Shut your mouth!" Sam demanded as he lunged at the boy, once again being stopped by Hook.

"Yes but I need your help"

"Pan left to find Amelia, you might find them at the well, it's where Amelia goes to think" the small boy replied earning a smile on Emma's face.

"Stop it!"  "Shut up!" We screamed but they didn't seem to listen.

The anger admitted from both of us as we tried to get to the small boy. But with hook and charming holding us back it was no use.

"I thought you were smarter than this Hook" I said as he passed, stopping him in his tracks.

"You out of everyone should know what the twins are capable of, how are you planning on defeating both of them?" I asked.

I hated the idea of one of them dying let alone both. They were my family, I wasn't going to abandon them like the other traitors.

"Aye I do know but Pan is dying anyway, why not end his suffering?"

"And kill your self in the process" Sam said bluntly, barely any emotion in his voice.

"Take the lost boys and get 'em on the Jolly Rodger, this won't take long" Emma said to her parents as the started to pull up kids.

Having no choice we joined them.

Following the others I stopped and stood in front of Neal. He furrowed his eye brows at me as he waited for me to speak. Never did like him.

"Not saying you will succeed, but if you do...let Amelia know I love her before you kill her" there was no emotion in my voice as I spoke, my hope was slowly dying.

"You know I don't want to have to do this Felix, one father to another I know you would do the same for your kid" he replied placing a hand onto my shoulder.

"But I don't have a kid?" I said completely confused by his statement.

"Neither of you know do you?" Rumple asked pushing his way through the crowd of lost boys.

"Know what...!" I snarled glancing between the two, they both shared a look debating on wether or not to tell me.

"You do have a kid just hasn't been born yet" Rumple explained.

My legs felt like they could break at any moment as I stumbled, completely taken aback by his comment. That wasn't possible.....was it?

This had to be a trick.

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