Chapter 3: Katsuki Bakugo

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"You're pathetic."

"Yeah, you'll never become a pro."

"Well, not a pro hero at least. Maybe a super villain though."

"Yeah, his quirk was made for murder."

"You should just be locked up right here, right now."

"I can't believe you're my classmate. I guess they just accept everyone in this school nowadays."

"No. Please no, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I'm trying, I promise. Please don't keep me in here!" I scream, the tears flowing down my face. I look up at my classmates, they all look down at me with a disappointed look. I look down at the chain around my wrist, my legs, and my neck.

"It's better for us all if you just stay here. Villain."

They walk away, leaving me with the chains connected to the ground and lock me in the dimly lit room. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!"

I wake up in a sweat, my heart is beating hard against my tight chest and I can barely breath. The tears flow down my face as I continue to cry. I can't stop the screams from escaping my mouth, as usual. "I'M SORRY! I'M TRYING TO BE BETTER!" I say between sobs and hiccups. I'm pathetic. I truly am.

I don't want to be a villain, I never want to be the bad guy. Back in middle school I told Deku to kill himself, I will never forgive myself for that. I should be the one to jump off a roof, not him. Deku will become the number one hero, and I will be a nobody. I will never let myself become the antagonist though. Not ever. I want to help people, I truly do. I guess I just let the power get to my brain, I've been working on it though. I want to be kind, and helpful.

It's become a habit to always say such mean things though, which is in no way an excuse for my bad actions. The tears flow down my face and onto my already tear soaked bed. Pathetic. I'm no man.

I head to Homeroom, still shaken up from the recurring nightmare. Kirishima is already there, he has bags under his eyes. Aizawa is writing something on the board. I hang my bag on my chair and look over to Eijirou. "What's up with you?" I ask, sitting down in my seat near the front of the classroom.

Kirishima looks over to me, he sits at the far side of the classroom. Pretty far from me. "Nothing, this guy keeps waking me up is all so my sleeping schedule has been wack."

"Oh." That's not me is it? I hope not.

Soon, everyone else arrives to class and Aizawa begins lessons. I take my journal out and start taking notes on the boring stuff he sputters.

An hour later, the bell rings and everyone packs their stuff. I head towards the door, but Iida and Ojiro block the door. "Excuse me!" I look around and the whole class surrounds me. I glare at them, unconsciously. Shit, this won't be good.

"What's up with you Kacchan? You seem distant." Deku looks into my eyes, a sad expression on his face. Is he looking down on me? I- I'm not weak. Why is he looking down on me, does he think I'm weak?

"I have to agree, it's kind of depressing to be honest," Kaminari speaks up, rubbing the back of his neck. Kirishima shoulders him, looking annoyed with a Rude Much? expression.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about how I'm gonna surpass you is all!" I yell. Rude much?

They all look at me, suspicion mixed with disappointment.

"Oh shut up, don't act like you care." I attempt to find a way to squeeze through, to run away. There's no escape.

"You can talk to us, you know?"

"Oh shut up you nerds! I don't need to talk to you fucking losers." Just shut up Bakugo! You want to be there friends, you want them to like you and yet you pull this shit?

Kirishima looks pissed now, like he might punch me.

Mineta stupidly decides to egg me on. "You always look so depressed, you know. Are you mentally unstable or something."

"How the Hell did you even make it into this school you fucking loser? How did any of you make it in with how weak you are?" What am I doing? I'm sorry. The tears threaten to spill down my cheeks but I hold them back.

That must've been the last straw for Kirishima though. He runs up, grabbing my shirt and pulling me close. He yells so loud that he spits on my face. "You think you're better than everyone at this school, like you'll surpass God himself, strutting around like a king. You're not the only powerful hero though! We're strong too! Probably a lot stronger than you, you really sound like a villain right now you know that?" He throws me to the ground, when I look up into his eyes he glares down angrily.

The tears fall down my face, I can no longer hold them back. "Don't you think I know that! I'm weak! I'm pathetic! I'm a villain! I know! And I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I choke out the words between sobs, still on the ground. I grab my backpack and run to my dorm.

I'm weak. I'm pathetic. I'm no man. Just a sad, small, boy who should burn in Hell for his sins. The tears continue to fall as I run to my room.

No one comforts me. No one comes. No one calls out my name. As usual.

I don't want to be the villain (KiriBaku)Where stories live. Discover now