Author's Note

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WELCOME! Or welcome back!🌈

I've seen some confused comments, so I thought I'd clear up somethings.

1. Yes, this is technically a spin-off book, but it can be read as a stand alone. You'll learn about Elliot's old friends at the same time as Pierce learns about them. If you want to learn more about Elliot's past before you start reading, you can read my book Beck and Ronan. It's not required to understand this story.

2. Something Blue, Beck and Ronan, and Kaleidoscopic are all part of the same universe/series. Keep an eye out for familiar characters.

3. I post in bulk, so my next update is planned for March 31st. I will upload 10 chapters at the end of each month. I'm in the process of writing Shadows of the Damned AND I have school AND I have work, so please be patient if I'm a little late.

Okay I think that's everything. If you have any other questions, feel free to comment. Otherwise ENJOY!

Thank you for all the support🧡


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