3. Principal's Office

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Regina got Emma into her office and sat in her chair. "Sit, please." Regina gestured to the seat on the other side of her desk.

"What the hell? Why didn't you just send me to my class?"

"Because, Julissa," the principal mocked. "For one, I know your reputation. Also, that is against the dress code."

"Would you like me to take it off?" Emma smirked.

"You have a jacket. Zip it up." She told her. Emma took it off and threw it onto the chair next to her.

"Would you like to see more?" Emma chuckled and sat down.

"I am going to let that inappropriateness slide this once."

"Relax, your majesty, I was joking." Emma rolled her eyes and sat up, fixing her posture.

"Miss Swan I would like to hold you here for a while. Your teachers are aware and totally fine with me taking this action. So please, make yourself at home."

"Yeah, I have a question why the hell is it Antarctica in here?" Emma asked while looking around.

"I'd say more like... Switzerland." The principal looked at her chest and arms. "And I would also say put your jacket back on because I won't change the temperature any time soon." Emma slipped her jacket back on and continued with the questions.

"What happened with Mr. Gold?" Emma asked, crossing her legs.

"He works as the superintendent now. He's at the district. He has known me for quite some time and knows how hard I work, giving me the job."

"I heard your last school was ass, what happened with it?" The principal glared at the blonde at the choice of words, Emma put her hand up apologizing.

"It was just a lower class. I have high expectations." Regina finished asking the questions. "We are done with the questions now so, get out your laptop and do some work." Emma pulled out her laptop and went to her messages with Ruby.


Emma turned off her notifications so the principal wouldn't hear when she got a new message.

R: I think you're using the wrong words. Doesn't mayday mean like something with like someone lost or something?

E: I thought that was SOS?

R: SOS is save our ship.

E: Still works, doesn't it?

R: I'm not sure.

E: What is mayday?

R: I don't know. Google it. I am stuck with our homeroom and English teacher.

E: What are they like?

R: She isn't that bad. She's pretty sweet. I bet she is better than the principal.

E: I bet so too

The principal looked at the blonde, studying her reactions, soon catching on. "Miss Swan, I would enjoy it if you would do work." Emma looked up at her, brown eyes met with green.

"MMmm... no thank you."

Regina took a deep breath and let it out. "Okay," She said as she turned away from her work and looked at the blonde. She reached over her desk, reaching her hand out and closing the blonde's laptop. "Miss Swan, let's have a little chat." Emma furrowed her brows and set her laptop aside. "Tell me about yourself."

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"Just... about you. What would make you act out in school and just... You know, about you."

"My name is Emma Swan, I am 17 years old. My birthday is on October 22nd. I am a Libra. I am..." Emma looked up in contemplation. "I believe that's it."

"That can't be it. Tell me about your family, more about yourself. I know you have a personality." Regina fought a smile.

"I am an orphan. I don't have a family." Emma sighed, Regina's mouth began to open slightly in an apology. "Don't apologize." Regina nodded and looked at the blonde, pealing her eyes from her desk in front of her. "I... I guess I like to sing. Only in the shower, though."

"Oh, I heard there is a good theater program here. Why don't y-"

"I am not interested."

"I am not interested in your disrespect. You don't interrupt my words, Miss Swan."

"You interrupted me first," Emma argued. Regina nodded.

"I apologize, continue." Regina folded her hands in front of her on her desk.

"Do you ever hurt your back? Sitting like that?" Emma referred to the woman's striking posture.

"Do you ever hurt your back sitting like that?" Regina snapped, clearing her throat.

"You need to loosen up a bit. Like," There was a pause of Emma thinking if she should say what she wanted to out loud. "Like, a massage. You're too tense."

"You don't have the right to demand me around, Miss Swan."

"It wasn't- a demand." Emma sighed. "It was a... request?"

"Miss Swan do your work. You can't leave until you show me proof that you have finished at least three assignments." Regina went back to her computer, her hand under her chin. Her desk was set up in a way where she had to turn over and her computer would be to her left, being able to turn to her right and properly communicate with whoever was in her office at the time.

Emma studied her features, the principal had such a sharp jawline. Her eyes were such a deep cocoa color. Her nose was perfectly formed as if she was just finished being sculpted by Michelangelo. "My god..." Emma mumbled while observing the woman.

"Excuse me?" Regina took a minute before looking at the blonde to finish the section of work she was working on. She locked eyes with Emma and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh- Nothing I j- I just remembered something." Emma looked over at her closed computer and quickly opened it to something to work on. Ms. Mills went back to her work and allowed Emma to leave when she finished three of the easiest assignments to ever exist.

The blonde was dying to get out of there. The principal told her if she was absent without a good enough excuse for the rest of the day, that she would pull her back in. So, Emma made sure to go to her classes, even if she didn't pay attention to them. She just couldn't bear to go back there.

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