Missing Pieces

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I overheard my Mom and Gran talking one night about my Dad and Grandad.
"It's not like I planned this."
"I know darling, but sometimes things happen in life we can't prepare for. Do you think it's easy for me? I've been married to your father for 45 years."
"I know mom, I'm sorry. I just hope they find out what caused this, and why dad just up and left."
Grandad had disappeared shortly after my father died. Honestly I think that Grandad went to investigate and got caught up during the investigation. He's a retired detective for the local police, so naturally he's going to want to find out what happened.
I was sitting at the foot of my bed intrigued by their conversation. That is until Mom walked in.
"Vera, you should be sleeping."
"Sorry mom, I just thought I would,"
"Enough, you are too young to be worrying about this."
"You know he's not just your husband, he's my father too."
I could tell that statement made her think. But that didn't change anything.
"I'm not going to tell you again, go to bed."
Mom has been upset lately, I can't blame her. She lost her husband and father within a month of each other. But it isn't easy for me either. I lost my dad and grandad, and now mom and gran are heart broken. That has effects on me too.
"Vera honey."
"Hi Gran"
"Oh, good. You're still awake."
"Yeah, I am. I can't sleep at a time like this."
"Well you should. I just wanted to come in and say good night."
"Goodnight Gran, I love you."
"Good night darling. Oh, and Vera."
"Forgive your mother, she's just hurting."
"I am too, but that doesn't seem to matter."
Gran sat on my bed and embraced me. This frail, old women who had little strength, had so much love and comfort. It was nice to know that someone still cared for my feelings.
I must have fallen asleep in Gran's arms last night. I slowly got out of bed trying not make much noise so I didn't wake mom up. I grabbed my favorite pair of exploring jeans. They were grubby and ripped up and perfect for getting dirty. I threw on my old grey State hoodie, and put my hair in a ponytail as I walked out of my bedroom.
"Vera, where are you going?"
I turn slowly and see my mom sitting on the old couch, sipping on her morning cup of coffee. I take a deep breath,
"I am going out."
"May I ask where?"
"Just to the woods."
"The woods?"
Her facial expression didn't show that she believed me.
"Yeah, the woods. I am meeting Keenan out there."
"In the clubhouse?"
"Vera, you and Keenan haven't been out there in a year."
I rolled my eyes. I don't think I can say anything to convince her.
"Is there anything I can say that would make you believe me?"
"Probably not."
"What if I called Keenan, and showed you that we've been planing on this for a while?"
I run to the kitchen to use the phone. Shortly after it's starts to ring Mrs. Anderson answers,
"Anderson residence."
"Hi Mrs. Anderson is Keenan there?"
"Hang on Vera, I'll get him."
"Thank you."
I sat there waiting for him to pick up the phone for what seemed like ten minutes.
My mom was standing there so I had to watch what I was saying.
"Are we still on for today?"
"Um, sure? For what?"
"Okay, great! Meet you in the club house in ten minutes!"
I could tell he was confused but he got the message. I turned with a smirk on my face as I looked at my mom.
"See, I told you."
"Yes, I guess you did."
"Okay well I'll be back later."
Half way out the front door my mom grabbed my arm.
"Vera, don't get hurt. Stay out of trouble, and please be careful. That tree house is old."
I nodded. It made me kind of happy that she was worried about me. But she had no clue what was actually going to happen. If I tell her though, it wouldn't happen. I think about that about the whole way to the tree house. I am alone once I get there Keenan takes forever to get to the treehouse. I hesitate to climb up to get inside. Some of the boards that are nailed on to the tree for steps are rotting, it doesn't look all that safe. I start looking for more wood to replace the steps with, when Keenan joined me.
"So what do you want?"
I smile, his playful meanness reminds me of when we were inseparable last year. I stop my search and look up at him.
"I need your help, Keenan."
"Is this about..."
I nod my head.
"I can't just sit and let time pass. Nobody is doing anything but moping."
"I know. But what can we do? Honestly ask yourself that. We're kids even if we do find a lead it's not like they will believe us."
"One, we're thirteen. Therefore we are teenagers, not kids. Two, who said we're gonna tell anyone?"
"We are still kids, and if we do find something we have to tell someone."
"No Keenan we don't. I think we can do more then what everyone in this town is doing. So, are you in? Are you gonna help me find out what happened?"
He took a deep breath, and I could hear him now "'No I don't want to do this.'" I stared at him and he paused.
"Yeah. I'm in."
I was so happy I screamed! I ran up to him and hugged him.
"So where do we start?"
"I am glad you asked."
I flashed a smile and I could see he was excited to see what I have already gathered. We started up the steps to get into the clubhouse. Once we got settled inside I threw a bunch of papers on the little end table we had.
"I asked my mom what my dad had for a job."
"She wouldn't tell me. So when her and Gran left the house I snooped."
I was an excellent snooper, if I wanted to know something I would find out.
"What did you find?"
"Well I looked through all of my dad's mail and found this!"
"What is it?"
I smiled with excitement.
"It's a letter from a secret society that was interested in my dad's talents.
'Dear Mr. Mitchell,
The Secret Society of Admore would be interested in offering you a spot at the table.'"
"Isn't Admore the city next to us that keeps trying to buy the town?"
"I think so. But there's more further down the letter it says:
'Your talents will greatly help our situation. We would be honored Mr. Mitchell if you would join us. If you decide to take the spot, you have sworn to total secrecy and will forever deny the existence of this society.'
So I just need to find out if he took the spot."
"How do you do that without someone else finding out that the secret society thingy is real?"
"That's the thing. I have no idea how I'm gonna find that stuff out. The address the letter was sent from was the rehabilitation center. I looked that up."
"Well then why don't we go there?"
"Because Keenan. How are we going to get there with out asking someone to take us, and with out having to explain why?"
"Oh yeah. I forgot we'd have to go to Admore."
"Yeah, the only time we go there is for the bank."
"Well maybe you can convince your mom to take you to the bank."
"Yeah right! I could barely convince her to let me out of the house."
We sat there in a long silence both of us thinking about an excuse to go to the city.
"I've got an idea!"
"What is it?"
"Well first you have to promise not to smack me."
"Fine, promise."
"What if you ask your Gran to take you dress shopping because..."
"Because there's a special occasion."
"Like what?"
"Like uh, a date."
"I don't know, get creative."
"Keenan. Are you..."
"No. Maybe."
I couldn't help but giggle. My best friend for years just asked me to go on a date with him.
"Well I can try. But you have to come with."
"Because I can't raid a building without you!"
"But how are we going to get there without your Gran noticing?"
"Good question."
I thought long and hard to find the answer to that question. Truthfully I had no idea how we were going to pull this off.
"Tomorrow after school, meet me here. I have some more researching to do."
"Okay. I'll bring snacks."
"Of course you will Keenan."
We both laughed.
"Hey do you want to go get ice cream before we go home?"
"Sure why not."
"Alright, let's go."
We walked awkwardly to the ice cream store. The word "date" was on our minds, we had no idea what to say to each other and I couldn't take it anymore.
"So, what's your favorite flavor?"
"I like black cherry the best."
"Ew. I like superman."
He smiled.
"Superman ice cream is the worst ice cream flavor ever."
For some reason our friendship revolved around insults. Always finding something to pick on each other for. But we had this mutual feeling of knowing that we were just messing around. So we never took each other seriously, and I liked it.
"Hey Vera! How are you doing?"
"Hi Mayleen! I am doing better."
"I'm sorry about your dad."
I didn't know what else to say when people brought up my dad. Mayleen has been a family friend for years, so naturally she's going to ask about how everyone is.
"What flavor do you want sweetie?"
"I'd like superman, please."
"Hello Keenan, what flavor bud?"
"Black cherry please."
"Here you go. Enjoy your ice creams!"
We both yelled at the same time as we walked out the door:
"Thanks Mayleen!"
We laughed at how we both said the same thing at the same time and Keenan ended up walking with me home. We took the long way back, down by the river and came up out of the woods across the street from my drive way. We inched up the little hill and when we got to my drive way we saw cop cars. My heart sank, I ran as fast as I could to the house. I couldn't tell if Keenan was behind me or not. I didn't care I just need to find out what's going on.
My name was yelled with a mix of anger and relief.
"What's going on?"
"Vera, you were gone for so long, and I went to the tree house and you weren't there. I panicked and called the cops to help look for you."
"Mom I'm fine."
She grabbed me and took me in for a hug. She held on so tight it felt like she was never going to let me go. I guess I didn't realize just how long I've been gone for. It only seemed like an hour or two. We walked into the house and sat in the living room. Matthew was watching TV and wasn't really paying attention, so I took the time to apologize.
"I'm sorry I scared you."
"It's okay. Abrielle did something like this too."
"Oh, burn!" Matthew chimed in.
I rolled my eyes at him. The last thing I want is be like Abrielle. She's my big sister who is pretty, mean, and believes the world revolves around her. It's seems like only Grandad, Matthew and I saw that though.
"Speaking of your sister, she's coming to visit."
"What! Why?"
"Because he was her father too, Vera."
"Like she actually cares."
"She does. Otherwise she wouldn't be spending the money to come here."
"Well she's not staying with me."
"No, she's not. Gran is, she gave up her room for Abrielle."
"I would take Gran over her everyday."
"Well, it's a school night. You should be off to bed. You too Matthew"
"I know that. I have to take a shower so I'll be a little bit."
"Mom, I'm older then her. I shouldn't have to go to bed yet."
"Okay, don't be to long. Matthew, I don't want to hear back talk."
I gave him a little smirk, then turned to mom.
"I won't."
That was a lie, I was going to take as long as I could. I don't like the eight thirty bed time, Keenan gets to stay up until ten o'clock. But I have to go to bed early because my mom does too. Tonight though I have research to do. So I am going to take as long as I can in the shower so she is asleep by the time I get out. As soon as she's asleep, I'm in the clear to further my investigation.

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