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"Y/N?... Y/N, are you okay?" Todoroki couldn't give up just yet, he was still knocking on your door, trying to get you to open it.


Was it her? No, it couldn't have been her... She was the one who told me about it, why would she be the one to sleep with him? Then why did she touch him like that? You don't flirt with someone like that unless you... like him, right? But... Bakugou didn't enjoy it, how could-

"Please open the door." Todoroki was basically banging on the door at this point.

I just rolled my eyes and got up to open the door, which startled him a bit.
I just left it open and sat back in my bed, as Todoroki stood there.

"Do you think it was her?" Todoroki asked, still standing by the door.

"Probably... Maybe? I don't know!" I said, shoving my head into my pillow as Todoroki sat down on the bed beside me and started stroking my hair.

"You shouldn't be that upset over this. It doesn't really matter if it was her or not, he still cheated and he's an asshole for doing that."

I was shocked at Todoroki's words. I could hear the anger in his voice. He was clearly upset over this too but there was something deep down telling me that this was a misunderstanding... Telling me that there's something else going on...

Todoroki didn't feel the same, though.

"Don't you think I should talk to him?" I asked, lifting my head from the pillow and looking at Todoroki's furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't think there's a reason for that." The monotone and angry tone in his voice was noticable and really intimidating.


He sighed and rubbed the lids of his eyes. "Okay, before you do anything let's just go outside and sit for a while, okay?" He seemed to have calmed down a bit.

I agreed to walk for just a little bit because he insisted I got some fresh air.

We both walked out of my dorm together but all of the sudden he held my hand. There was something quite comforting about the way he held it, it made me feel safe, but... It didn't feel right. I didn't feel the way I felt with Bakugou... Todoroki is my best friend, I never had feelings towards him like that and I don't think I will...

We were walking down the hallway and towards the exit, still holding hands, when we walked past Bakugou's dorm. His door suddenly opened and he came out of his dorm looking like he was in a hurry. When he lifted his head and saw us, his eyes softened and he froze.

I went to get away from Todoroki's grip but he squeezed my hand, a sign for me to not leave yet. I wanted to talk to Bakugou but before I was able to let go of Todoroki's hand, Bakugou immediately went back to his room and slammed the door.

Me and Todoroki looked at each other for a second before continuing to walk towards the exit.

Once we reached the exit, he opened the door for me and let go of my hand.

"Here, sit." He said, sitting down at a step and pointing at the empty spot beside him.

I sat down.

"So, do you think Bakugou-"

"Can we... Stop mentioning him every 5 seconds?" He cut me off mid sentence.


'I don't understand where all this anger is coming from.' I thought.

"So... Y/N..." He rested his body on his elbows and looked up at the sky.


"I've been meaning to talk to you." The quick switch in his voice from angry to soft was sudden and weird.

"Sure." I tried to play it cool even though I knew there was something going on.

"This whole situation made me think..."

"You mean the 'Bakugou cheating on me' situation?" 'What could he possibly be thinking about?'


"Well, I'm listening..."

There was a moment of silence.

He let out a big sigh and turned his head around to look at me. He just scanned my face for a while and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You really love Bakugou, don't you?"

I was shocked.

"Why would you say that?"

He rested his body on one elbow and with his other hand and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You haven't stopped talking about the issue, you're still hoping that this is a misunderstanding even though he didn't even have the guts to come talk to you." A soft smile was playing on his lips which weirded me out a bit but I ignored it.

I looked away from him.

"This isn't the Bakugou I know, he would never do such a thing. I stand by my statement, I believe there's something else going on." I looked up at the sky as Todoroki did the same.

After a moment of silence I turned around to look at him and the smile on his lips had now switched into a slight frown.

"We should get going." He said, getting up and giving me his hand which I took.

"Go talk to him and see for yourself, maybe that way you'll know the truth."
He gave me another broken smile and walked with me towards the entrance.

When we got inside the bulding, we split ways. He went to his dorm and I went towards Bakugou's. He did, although, tell me to meet him after I was done.

I knocked on Bakugou's door but got no response so I knocked again.

Again, nothing.

I put my ear on the door to hear if he was in his room. I heard some noise, I couldn't quite understand what it was so I just opened the door.

What I saw was something no one could have prepared me for.

"I don't know anymore" Bakugou x Reader ANGSTWhere stories live. Discover now