Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Regret

Third Person POV:

Orochimaru woke up to a hospital but he just layed there with his eyes open staring at the ceiling observing every last detail of it every last speck of dirt and dust it was better then letting his mind remind him of how he was a monster that deserves nothing but torcher.. endless...torcher...

He never thought of how terrible he used to be until everything was taken away from him, his village, his friends, and son but he kept reminding himself that he doesn't deserve to mourn them because he was the one who didn't make things right when he was given multiple chances.

A few hours passed and soon his former team came into the room Jiraya looked down since his friend turned the other way once he saw him 'he's too young to understand right now I can't tell him' Orochimaru thought holding his tears back he had never felt so much pain before he had never even shown any emotion exept for pain when he was hurt or when he had his arms sealed away. He chuckled at the thought of the pain he so much deserved from his Sensei sealing his arms.

"Why is he acting so different? Does he hate me..did I do something wrong?" Jiraya asked whispering to his sensei but it was loud enough for the friend he was talking about hear it.

"Why would I hate you Jiraya..." He said making his teammates flinch from the amount of pain they heard in his words 'You should be the one that hates me..' he thought keeping his back turned to his team.

"Orochimaru are you okay?" Their sensei said still concerned about the fact his student had a mental breakdown "you seem different today" he said

"I'm fine..." He said whispering feeling like his throat would explode if he spoke any louder, holding back his tears, 'i'm sorry' he thought as he felt the tears start silently streaming down his face 'damn when the hell did I go so soft?' he questioned himself still silently crying.

Hiruzen gestured the two kids to leave as he sat down at the end of the bed staring at the wall and Orochimaru's back, back and forth, until he sat beside him seeing the boy glaring out the window.

"What's wrong? It's not like you to show emotions this much" his sensei said jokingly looking out the window as well with saddened look in his eyes.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." He managed to get out.

His sensei laughed "Of course I will" he said looking at his student who looked like he has been through it all, cold and long battles, long and tiring wars, loosing loved ones, being broken and putting himself back together again, he wondered why he looked like that he used to have a determined look in his eye a look he looked forward to seeing everyday but it had faded into emptiness, sadness and disspear.

His sensei wondered what had broken this boy beyond repair.

"Fine. But like I said you won't believe me..." He said laying there limp "I'm from the future" he said sighing "your right I don't believe you...but I don't sense you're lying so tell me, what happened to you?" He said triggering the boys sadness again, Orochimaru put his head in the pillow on his bed and told him everything with tears draining the dryness from the pillow and leaving his sensei speechless.

Yes his sensei didn't like the fact he left the village for power but he felt terrible because of what he has been through he sighed as he hugged the small boys body who was shaking from the uncontrollable amount of tears coming out of his eyes every inch of pain he had ever felt was spilling out all at the same time, it felt like all of the weight of the world was coming down on him forcing him to show all of the emotions he had ever hid.

The boy soon hugged back showing the giant wet spot left from his tears on the pillow, and started crying into his sensei's chest.

A Few Hours Later

Jiraya and Tsunade, walked into the room after a few hours to see their teammate rubbing his red wet, eyes, still clinging to their sensei.

"Is he okay sensei?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes, he's fine" Hiruzen responded.

"Can he leave yet?" Jiraya asked.

"Do you want to leave?" Their Sensei asked.

Orochimaru nodded his head.

"They said you shouldn't be alone unsupervised, so you will come live with me" Hiruzen said to Orochimaru also wanting to talk about the future.

He nodded again and they all walked out of the hospital and went back to where their friend had a panic attack.

The two soon arrived inside the house of the third.

The man had layed the child down on the couch.

"I'll get you some water you rest" the man said walking away.

By the time he got back the boy was curled up on the couch asleep, making the man smile, he sat the glass of water on the table in front of the couch and left to the dreaded paperwork.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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