Alex's Backstory

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This was when the man eating crows only just appeared. Alex was still only a child about 11 years old. Alex has made a friend named Allen. They both always hanged out, played in the yard, got all dirty. One day Alex decided to go to the store only to come home with his family dead on the floor while a crow was eating them. When Alex saw the crow he started running towards it while crying and screaming.
"why are you eating my family" he screamed.
The crow turned himself into a human.
"I don't know Alex. I just got pretty hungry."
Alex stood in shock realizing that the man eating crow was his best friend Allen.
"Allen?.." he cried
"well see ya" Allen said.
Allen quickly shifted back into a crow and flew away while Alex attempted to run after it while sobbing.
"give me my family back!" he cried loudly. Enough for the neighbors to come out of their homes while staring at the boy running around trying to catch a crow. Some people noticed his family from the smell. Some people assumed Alex was playing around. Soon everyone saw his family in his house.
After that his grandparents picked him up and he started to live with them. Alex was traumatized, scared, sad but he was mainly angry. For years he has always had the goal to kill Allen so he's searching for him and now he even got a job to start killing the man eating crows. Though it's hard to tell the difference between a crow and a human he still trys to kill them.

hello this is the author lol. I've always wanted to make a horror/fantasy story and this was my only chance to do so. I'm still very young but I hope you liked this and even if you didn't like it thank you for reading it also please don't be mean it took days to come up with a story, a title and the characters so please don't be mean I'm trying my best :)

I also picked a song which is isabellas lulliby I don't know why I picked it but this just reminded of it lol I hope u like it.

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