Chapter 6 - A New Feline Friend

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(Author Note: previously, there was a mention of r@pe and harassment and me joking about it. I would like to apologise. At the time of me writing this, I had no idea this was offensive (I was much younger and irresponsible than I am now).

Therefore, the next people to read this, the writing will be different.

Once again, I apologise sincerely for my past actions.)

3rd Pov

Y/n and Ava were chilling in Ava's bathroom. Y/n was wearing a fluffy (f/c) robe and sitting on a stool with her feet in a foot spa while Ava was taking a bubble bath. The girls did this every week because it enabled them to have some quality time. There was barely any time to spend together because of Y/n's job. Y/n's job, as Ava knows, is an architect. However, there is a secret that Ava doesn't know about. Y/n is a hire-assassin. But I digress!

"This is relaxing," Ava said out of the blue.

"You said it! We haven't done this in weeks!" Y/n responded overjoyed. Ava giggled at Y/n's playfulness but hummed in agreement. Ava turned to Johnny who had a face mask on.

"Face mask doin' okay for you, Johnny?" Ava asked, receiving a pur from the cat. "Nice." Ava yawned. "You know, I'm so impressed. I haven't seen a horny guy in almost 24-hours now."

"Ava!" Y/n shouted, flustered at her use of language.

"You know what I mean!" Ava retorted, "The horned guys! Wait. I guess what I said before came off bad."

"You think?" Y/n shouted.

"You know what I mean, Y/n," Ava said, "The demons."

"Daemos," Y/n corrected, earning a huff from Ava.

"Daemos, whatever!" Ava retorted once more.

"You really should care, Ava," Y/n assured, "They're magical beings! Who knows what they'll do? They know absolutely nothing about Earth and think Johnny is a spiritual guardian!"

"Ha! Spirit my a- butt." Ava corrected, "You know if those demons are this quiet and just leave me- I mean us alone, I may not mind them staying here. They have their own magic-y, wall-y deal and we have our own apartments. Our own personal spaces. This might actually work out!"

"Ditto," Y/n responded, leaning her back against the wall while still on her stool. The females closed their eyes, melting into the tranquility of the scene.

"What are you doing?" A voice said. It seemed to be coming from... The wall behind Ava?

"Relaxing, what does it look like?" Ava responded as Y/n creaked one of her eyes open. It was Leif but... He was in the wall?

"What does that do?" Leif asked.

"What do you mean? I-" Ava started, opening her eyes and looking to the source of the voice. When she realized it was Leif, she shrieked and covered her body. This caused Y/n to open her eyes completely and look at the scene before her. Ava's face turned red while Y/n tried to hold back laughs.

"I'm trying to figure out why you're doing this," Leif clarified, using his arms to support him on the wall.

"Why are you in my wall?" Ava asked. Just then, Asch's upper half came out of the wall.

"Leif, what are you-," Asch began, attention quickly turning to Ava, "Wait, what is she doing?"

"I asked the same question! I was gonna go ask the human sorcerer about human clothes since we can't figure them out," Leif said, making Y/n wish she had popcorn.

"I thought Noi figured it out," Asch said.

"Yeah... I don't trust Noi," Leif said, "So I was going to ask the human sorceress what to do with them since Rhys would just get all smart with me but the human is just sitting in water."

A Sorceress? Witch? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now