Important pt.2

52 1 0

Billie POV

It was about 5 and y/n was still here. She had to leave soon but I had an idea.

"Hey y/n. Do you think you would be able to stay the night?" I asked and she looked up from her phone with wields eyes.

"Umm... let me ask." She exclaimed. I got a little excited when she said that. I really wanted her to stay. I also wanted to tell her that I liked her. Like a l lot.

"She said I could stay." She said. I don't think I've ever been this excited about something. Except when I got to stay home from school. But that doesn't matter. I'm super super happy that y/n gets to stay the night.

"I have to tell you something y/n." I said and she furrows her eyebrows. She looked worried and confused but I didn't think anything of it.

"Okay?? Wsp?" She asked. I hesitated to answer her and then started thinking.

*Is she gonna think I'm crazy for it? Is she gonna hate me for it? Will she even say anythi-

"Billie... is everything okay?" She questioned as I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I just want to tell you something but I feel like you'll hate me for telling you." I exclaimed to her.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't judge you. Tell me what's up." She said in a calming voice.

"Okay. Well... ummm. Ilikeyouandtheonlyreasonibulliedyouyesterdaywasbecauseyouithoughtyouhotandididntwanttotellyouonfrontofthewholeschoolsoithoughtmaybeicouldtellyoupersonally." I rushed out catching my breath. I'm not sure if she understood me because she was looking at me with such a confused look on her face.

"Umm ok. So I got the I like you part. And I like you too. But why didn't you just whisper it in my ear?" She asked. I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait. Did you say you liked me too or am I just hearing things?" I asked.

Y: "No, your not hearing things. I actually like you Billie. But if I told you yesterday, I was gonna think that you would flip out about it." She said shyly.

B: "I wasn't gonna flip out. I honestly wasn't gonna say anything. I just wanted to tell you in private because I didn't want anyone at school to think of anything suspicious." And said.

Y: "Also...  why did you tell everybody in school that you fucked me?" She asked

B: "I... I don't know. It was a dare from one of my friends. I didn't want to do it but if I didn't then say would've had to run around this entire school half naked and I'm not trynna do that shit."

Y: "Well Billie.... it hurt. Like a lot. The rest of that day all I thought about was how I'm done with my life and how I was planning on killing my self."

B: "And I'm sorry that I hurt you like that. I swear over my dead body that it will never happen again okay?"

Y: "Okay. Oh and can we talk about use liking each other and how that gonna work out or what?"

B: "I mean I was just gonna ask you straight up if you could be my girlfriend. But I feel that it would've came of wrong."

Y: "Billie. I would love to be your girlfriend but promise me one thing."

B: "Okay"

Y: "Promise me that you'll never leave me ?"

B: "I promise you mamas. I'll never leave your side even if it costs me my life."

Y: "Thank you for promising me bby."

B: "No problem mamas. Let's get some sleep.. Yeah.

I nod my head yes and climb into bed with Billie and cuddl her until I drift to sleep.

B: "I love you." Billie softly whispers and drifts of to sleep with me 


Word count

I really do hope your enjoying this book.

I know there aren't long chapters. Doing the best I can. Been busy wit school lately so sorry if I haven't been updating much.

Much love sent from me to you😋❤️

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