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Once at the airport everyone dragged their suitcases out of the boot, placing them side by side next to the car. Each one was slightly different in colour, shape, size but they still belonged to a group that had grown inseparable.

George held Dreams hand tightly, never wanting to let go and holding back any tears that might want to escape his eyes that were already watery. Karl and Sapnap stood close to each other, pinkies linked around each other forming a tight bond.

Both Bad and Skeppy were less upset because they lived together, however, leaving everyone else hurt them just as much as leaving each other would.

Each person grabbed a suitcase, except for Dream who walked next to George, hands still together. Dragging their cases through the first part of the airport to put them on to the conveyor, everyone slowly became quieter, jokes fizzling out.

After they had all placed their suitcases on the correct conveyor, they made their way through security quickly, before heading towards a small cafe in the middle of all their gates.

Dream sat down and immediately began eating a chocolate muffin he had ordered for himself, sharing small bite sized pieces with George, who reluctantly ate it.

"YES GEORGE", Karl yelled even though he was opposite the brunette, "I'm so proud!"

"Me too", the voice was echoed throughout the others as they all praised George for eating.

The brunette felt happy for once in his life, he was surrounded by people who loved and cared for him, despite what he had been through. However, the happiness was washed away almost instantly as he remembered he would have to say goodbye to Dream.

Even though he would be leaving his friends too, leaving Dream hurt the most. It was the thought of not being able to go and see Disney together whenever they wanted or not being able to cuddle. George began to sniff quietly at the table which didn't go unnoticed by Dream.

The blonde wrapped his arms around George and began to whisper comforting words in his ear.

"It's ok, we'll see each other soon, promise"

"Pinkie promise?", George held out his finger.

Dream wrapped his own pinkie around George's.


George smiled and looked back towards the rest of their friends who were eating their pre-flight snacks.

"I'm gonna miss you guys"

"I'm gonna miss you too muffin", Bad replied to George and walked over to give the brunette a long needed hug.

"Flight 32A", the announcement echoed through the walls of the airport.

"That's us Bad", Skeppy walked over to where Bad stood and interlaced their hands.

"Bye guys we're going to miss you", Bad and Skeppy made their way around the table, slowly hugging all of their friends goodbye.

The duo walked off, hand in hand, in the direction of their flight, turning and waving one last time before disappearing into the crowd.

"How long until you get called Karl?", Sapnap asked quietly.

"About ten minutes"

Dream and George exchanged sad glances, knowing Sapnap was going to be extremely upset.

"Aww ok I'm going to miss you lots", Sapnap embraced Karl into a tight hug and they remained in that position, sniffling softly for the next five minutes.

One trip to Disney *dreamnotfound*Where stories live. Discover now