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It was nearly dusk when I first saw him, when the almost setting up sun was still beaming enough to shower him in twilight gleam. His glittery clothing was glistening under the glaze of the sun, creating an elegant aura around him. A basket full of flowers was held tightly in his hand.

Before I even took a proper glimpse, he was already gone. 

I might have forgotten about him if I would not see him the next day too. Even the day after and the day after. At the same time, the same place, repeatedly.

The shop I loved very much for its freshly baked buns and coffee, just became an excuse from the day I realized that the street by it might be his daily route, and I can have a glance or two of him every day if I want.

It became a routine then.

I would order some coffee and buns every day and pretend that I am a regular customer when the title beauty admirer would suit me more.

Damn, He is so beautiful.

Sometimes my steamy coffee gets cold, at a corner of the table, unnoticed, when my eye catches him. Sometimes I put the cup closer to my lips, and take small sips, letting the sugary and slightly bitter coffee hit my taste bud while my eyes watch him disappear into the same alley.

Just watching him would make my stomach go wild with butterflies. It made me wonder how I got so mesmerized by him.

It seemed like I can spend my whole life waiting here at the shop, to watch him for a moment. That would be enough to fill my blank papers with poetry written about him.

He was poetry himself.


It was one week anniversary of my first seeing him.

I was seated in the coffee shop, accompanied by Niall, a friend of mine who was blabbering about how good food solves everything. His words were half-heard, as my mind was actually on him, appreciating how good he looks in the yellow cardigan and high ponytail.

He was leaving like always, before someone interrupted and yanked him forcefully into another alley out of nowhere. It took me some time to process what happened before my leg automatically followed them, ignoring Niall's calls from behind.

I walked fast to reach the alley I remember they went just to find no trace of them. Frustration took over me as my eyes gazed upon the desolated street in front of me, where the two should be. It was like voodoo, but then I heard a voice-

"Stop moving! It won't work."

The angry whir was coming from the back of an abandoned house. 

I followed the voice, solely finding one of my fellow rookie, Bruno, towering over him, who was pasted between a wall and Bruno, trying to break free, which was not a success, as Bruno was one of the strong ones.

Bruno started to move closer to him, but suddenly yelped in pain as he kicked him hard in his nuts with his knee. It made him off-guard for a moment but the next second he slapped him directly on the face, making him fall hard on the street with all the flowers scattering on the solid concrete. 

A trickle of blood run down from his lips and I lost my temper. 

Storming, I went close to Bruno and my knuckle connected his jaw multiple times, making him spit blood. I yanked him by his collar and all I saw was fear in his eyes.

It satisfied me. He deserves this.

"Stay away from him. Or you will see no tomorrow.  You are so in trouble." I spat angry venom and released him, watching him disappear running in a second.

I glanced behind me, he was still sitting on the concrete, looking at me with wide eyes, maybe still processing everything that happened just moments ago.

Well, it was a lot to take if you ask me, but that's not what I was thinking at that moment.

He was more beautiful up close. His eyes were green, like forests. Those enchanted forests which are only mentioned in fairytales, are forbidden to enter because if you go too deep, you will get lost. Freckles surrounding his nose, he smelled like Cinnamon. Porcelain Skin and petal lips.

Suddenly I wanted to kiss those lips, but the thought of it made me feel ashamed, as the situation was probably the worst for a kiss.

 I took a deep breath to get those thoughts out of my head.

"I am Zayn"

I extended my hand, which got rejected as he stood up on his own, stumbling a little on the process, brushing the dust of his dress with shaky hands. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. Not liking how shaken up he was.

He took the empty basket from the concrete, clasping it tightly. His mouth moved a little, like he wanted to tell something. But he remained unspoken, before slowly walking away from my sight.

A bunch of Sunflowers was long forgotten on the street.


I do not know how many minutes I was standing there and staring at the vacant street till I heard a chuckle behind me.

"You know something?" Niall stated, standing beside me, "Let me take you to the council of poets. They would say your future at your face. Maybe there is someone in your destiny."

I said nothing, the previous incident is still roaming inside my head.

"You are blushing," Niall said after a while.

The fact that I never blushed in my life made me blush more, but I quickly hide it before I decided to answer Niall.

"Maybe because-" I sighed looking at the dissipated Sunflowers on the street. I took one, the ray of dusk was touching it, seemingly saying goodbye to each other for that day.

"Maybe because I am feeling something I have never felt before." I finished my words.


Guess who he is!!!

Hei ya! Welcome to our journey together. It's Amber and it's my first writing. English is not my first language and I am not so good at it. So I hope you won't mind those mistakes and will enjoy the story. Make sure to vote and comment. It will mean so much. I'll try to update regularly. Enjoy!!!

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