Soulmate AU

171 5 16

Time: 4-5 minutes

1) Heterochromia

You are born with 2 different colored eyes; one that of your soulmate, and the other, your own. The first time you make eye-contact with your soulmate, both your eyes turn to the color you were fated to have.


You are born with a timer on your wrist; counting down the days, hours, and minutes you have until you lay eyes on your soulmate.

3) Colorless to Full Color

You are born colorblind; everything is black and white until you touch your soulmate.

4) Tattoo

a) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), your soulmate's name is tattooed on your wrist/somewhere on your body.

b) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), you have a tattoo that represents your soulmate.

c) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), you have half of a unique shape tattooed on your body; your soulmate has the other half tattooed on the same spot on their body.

d) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), the first words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed on your wrist/somewhere on your body.

e) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), the last words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed on your wrist/somewhere on your body.

f) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), the first thing your soulmate thinks of you is tattooed on your wrist/somewhere on your body.

g) The first thing your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your wrist/somewhere on your body. However, it only appears after they've said it.

h) The last thing your soulmate says to you is tattooed on your wrist/somewhere on your body. However, it only appears after they've said it.

i) You have a tattoo that changes color according to how your soulmate feels.

j) You get a red line on your wrist every time you fall in love with someone. If the feelings are returned, the line turns black. And if that person dies, the line turns into a scar.

k) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), you have a name written on both wrists; one is your soulmate, while the other is your arch enemy. You have no way of knowing which is which beforehand.

l) From birth (or it can be when they reach a certain age), you have tattoos all over your body of the things your soulmate loves.

5) Red String

You are born with a red string wrapped around your pinky; the other end wrapped around your soulmate's pinky. You can only see the string stretch up to a foot in front of you. No one can see your string, save for your soulmate, and yourself. But if you were a glove, the red string on your finger is invisible for both you and your soulmate. But their's would still be visible.

6) Sing

Whenever your soulmate sings or hums a song, you sing/hum the same thing in the same volume.

7) Hair Strands

You have a strand of hair the same color/texture of your soulmate's.

8) Memories

Your dreams are your soulmate's memories.

9) Hot and Cold

The closer you are to your soulmate, the warmer you get; likewise, the further away you are, the colder you get.


You can feel your soulmate's pain.

11) Scars

If your soulmate gets a cut or is injured, you'll get a scar or a scratch on the area they were hurt.

12) Step-Counter

With each step you take, the numbers on your wrist count down; marking the number of steps you'll take until you meet your soulmate.

13) Skin Communication

When you write or draw on your skin, it appears on your soulmate's skin as well.


You are born with a ring that changes color depending on your soulmate's emotions. When they die, your ring turns black and dissolves to dust.

15) Choices

You choose for your soulmate. In your head, you get 2 options, and whatever you choose is the reality for your soulmate. (The same is the other way around.)

16) Dreams

Every time you sleep, you dream/see through your soulmate's eyes. If both of you are asleep, you don't dream.

17) Body-Switch

On the eve of your (enter age) birthday, you switch bodies with your soulmate. Until and unless you touch your soulmate, you will be stuck in their body for (enter how long).

18) Taste

You can taste whatever your soulmate tastes.

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