Chapter 22

271 4 15

TW: vomit, pills

The morning rays hit me on the face as I groaned ungratefully. I looked around confused but to remember what happened yesterday. A swarm of butterflies flutter in my tummy as I slowly got up.

I peeked my head out the door to see no one. I quickly grabbed my phone and went down stairs, avoiding to make any type of noise.
Successfully, I left the house to be struck by golden rays of the rising sun.

I took a deep breath and left the house.


Hooker: I'm gonna pick you up soon, so be ready

Twink: Nah I'm already on my way back


Twink: Wow would you look at that, the floor is made out of floor

Hooker: fine you do you, just be careful

Twink: Careful isn't in my dictionary ✨


I put my phone in my pocket and continued walking.

As I dragged my feet, nausea began to cloud my mind. The closer I got to the dormitory the violent the butterflies in my stomach got.
      At this point, my pace had slowed down. My breathing has quickened and my mouth went watery. A visible frown was on my face.

All too quickly, my stomach tightened and I had made a retching sound. I moved to the side and instead of vomiting chucks all that left my mouth was a white foam.

Tears welded up in my eyes as I was heavily panting. I whined out of discomfort and wiped my mouth. The lasting taste of the foam caused to gag a bit more before regaining my composure.

I sighed and continued to walk; hoping that no one saw what just happened.


      I finally arrived to the dorms and went straight to the entrance.

"Kokichi?!" Gasped Kirumi. I looked at her in shock. She quickly ran up to me and hugged me. "Oh- I was so worried! Where were you?" She asked in complete concern.

"Sorry mom," I apologized.

"It's okay Kokichi, I'm just glad you're okay." She said. I nodded as I hugged her back. "And uh," I let out a confused hum.

"have you perhaps thrown up? Are you not well?" She asked. I blushed out of embarrassment and quickly let go of the hug.

      "Uhm, actually yeah. But it was foam which was weird." I responded. "I see, that only happens when you have too much gas in your stomach." She explains as she pats my tummy.

"I would be more than happy to make you breakfast Kokichi, you can go back to your room. I'll shall deliver it to you." She offered. "Thanks! You really don't have to." I mumbled.

"It's alright, now hurry along." She shooed. I nodded and quickly ran to my dorm.

I shut the door behind me and immediately put my phone to charge. I took off my clothes and headed to the shower.

Warm but still slightly cold water hit my skin. I let out a sigh as I felt more relieved. Once I was done, I quickly got into a new set of clothes.

As I was picking up the mess I had made, I picked up the pills that were still neatly wrapped.

'It wouldn't be so bad if you took them you know..'

A shiver went down my spine as my eyes water. "Shut up-"

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