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History: This tribe first appeared on phrryra, along the lower Mountian range but that was long before the scorching. Back then they were called Flamingwings as their wings where literally made of fire. Then the tribe met the Skywings and interbred with them. This is what caused Firescales in the Skywings. One day Solar the first Flamingwing-icewing hybrid Animi decided to use his powers to upgrade the tribe so he decided to enchanted a pool of water so that who ever steps in it will become able to live on Stars and harness it's power. He decided to give the tribe a new name because of its newfound power, he renamed the tribe to Solarwings. Some of the Flamingwings didn't agree that they should change, they became the Skywings you know now. The Solarwings then moved to space and met the Galaxywings. They mostly stayed their distance up until recently Queen Protostar decided to merge the tribes together by letting a young Solarwings marry a Galaxywing. Those two dragons are princess Aruora and Moon, Solaris's parents. Princess Solaris then married a Galaxywing princess by the name of Princess Saturn. Then took control of the Solarwings and the Galaxywings and united the tribes

Appperance: very similar antomonical details as Skywings but they can be any flame colour they have glowing scales that glow like firelight they can rarely have light blue scales. They have long Straight horns and small sharp claws they have a third eyelid that allows them to see in infrared light.

Powers: can travel through space breathe blue fire radiates intense heat all have controlable Firescales some can use Sunlight as energy. Very rarely can be Animi.

Queens: Queen Solaris and Queen Saturn (Solaris's wife)

Palaces: the sun palace
Located on the sun

The glow palace
Located in the city of fire on the Closest planet to the sun

Past wars: The scorching the Fire wars (Flamewings against Solarwings)

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