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A clock ticked past 9:30 PM on the smooth pastel wall.

Tanuja Varma sat up in bed with her back against the wall and her knees drawn to her chest. Her nostrils flared as she stared at the time with absolute disappointment. She had the look of someone who had just been let down... terribly!

The silence amplified the ticking of the clock, and in a way, the rage bubbling within her. When her cell phone rang, her heart nearly leaped out of her throat. Quickly pulling herself together, she picked it up, sniffled, and answered, "hello?"

"Hello girlie! Wish you a happy! Happy! Happy birthday!" A woman rammed in from the other end.

She sighed. Her friend's greeting had only added salt to her wounds. She'd expected this from someone else, but alas, he'd conveniently chosen to forget about it, as usual. "Thank you so much Dimple," she responded unenthusiastically.

"Whoa! What's with the formality?" teased Dimple. "And why so glum?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," she lied.

But Dimple saw right through her. "You're a liar," she shot back.

"I'm fine Dimps, trust me, it's just that I'm... a little bit..." she paused before arriving at the perfect alibi. "...Tired."

"Why? You're supposed to be up and jumping. It's your birthday girlie!"

"Yeah, I know. But---" Tanuja bit her lip.

"But what?"

Tanuja fiddled with the pillow, twisting and tugging its cover as she fought the desperate urge to scream and proclaim the naked truth to the entire world. "But nothing. I was just... getting dressed. We're... going out you see." She shrugged, smirking at her botched attempt of trying to console herself.

"Oh! Oh! Okay! Fine-fine. I'll hang up then. Drop me a message whenever you're free," chimed Dimple.

"Sure. Will do."

"Alright then. You guys have fun!"

"Sure, thanks, we will."

"Byeeee. Good night."

"Good night." Tanuja hung up and leaned back, allowing her eyes to wander on the flowery bedsheets.


Tanuja sat on a stool before the mirror and brushed through the wet, luscious strands of her hair. She was all set to celebrate their anniversary, to finally spend some quality time with Nikhil, to seal and bond their crumbling relationship. She'd begun to feel that they hardly spoke to each other these days. He was at work most of the time, and by the time he got home, it was always late. His employer didn't spare him even during the weekends or holidays. She fantasized about all the things they would do when they went out, the sights they would see, the food they would savor, the special moments they'd share.

It all came to an end when she picked up bits and pieces of Nikhil's conversation from the hallway.

"We can use my car," she heard him saying, probably on the phone, "we should be there in no time. I won't take much to get ready. Just need to pull on a shirt."

Who's he talking to, she wondered, are we stopping to meet anyone else?

Just then, the doorbell rang, and she heard the door being answered. Excited bellows and laughter followed. She held her breath and listened closely as the overwhelming feeling of dread stung her. Something told her that all their plans and all her fantasies were going to be crushed to death.

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