The End

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You've been Queen for a while now.

You don't know how long you've been Queen, but Asterhive seems to still be in order. You asked it to search for candidates at the start of your reign, and thankfully, it listened. It shouldn't fall again.

That's good, you guess.

Your dress and crown are still uncomfortable. You don't think that's ever going to change. You've gotten wings- black feathery ones like a crow's, but the gift of flight is wasted on the acrophobic. They make nice pillows though.

You're very bored, being stuck in a floating garden. You have your games and tech and internet, for you are not a savage, but you are still very bored. Sometimes you stare at the sky, feeling the sun burn your black-tainted eyes and you wonder how things ended up the way they did. Sometimes you try to remember the reason why you feel so hollow and lonely.

In the end though, none of it matters.

One day, you feel warmth on your face, true warmth.

You hear the birds chirping noisily outside.

The world shifts a final time, disappearing forever, and open your eyes to the ceiling of your room.

You have breakfast to eat and homework to do, but also something else.

You have a story to write, a friend to remember, and a name to find. Maybe not in that exact order.

You suppose it could have been worse.

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