Lost and found

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This is a fanfiction of mine that started first as a theory in my head, and then I started to write it down as a plot twist which I would really want to see in the actual series.

Hope you'll enjoy! ❤🌹


Willie knew he f'd up when he brought Alex and his two friends, new ghosts, to Caleb who was extremely strong and powerful ghost. Caleb already owned a lot of souls, but after meeting Alex, Reggie and Luke, Caleb wanted them to join his team, too.

   Willie knew the guys had to solve their unfinished business to get rid of Caleb's spell.

   Willie did help Alex and his friends but he hasn't heard from Alex since. Willie thinks that maybe it's a good thing since Caleb's really been keeping an eye of Willie. The last thing he wants is Caleb getting to know about Willie helping Alex, because that could only bring harm to him. Willie wouldn't know what to do if that happened.

   Since the day after Alex, Luke and Reggie got rid off Caleb's spell they've been so happy with Julie to get to be together as friends and band.

   But Alex can't still be completely happy. He hasn't heard from Willie for a while and that makes him worried. Alex knows that Willie took a big risk helping them behind Caleb's back, and the guy could easily hurt Willie for that. Alex didn't want to even think about that option.

   All that the two boys could do is waiting. They're both just waiting for the another one to get to them and tell everything's okay. But both of them are waiting for the right time.

   But it never comes, because Caleb is the first one to contact them.

   First he comes to Willie. Of course Caleb knows exactly what Willie feels for Alex and what he's ready to do for him.

   It didn't take a meedio to figure out Willie was helping Alex and his friends.

   So it's only fair for Caleb that he would show Willie how it feels to figure out that someone's been doing things behind their back.

   "I'm sorry to tell you this, but he didn't make it", Caleb says apologetically to Willie.

   Willie knew it was possible but he didn't want to think about that option. He couldn't imagine about that actually happening to Alex.

   That because of himself, Willie would lose Alex.

   Because Willie was the one who took Alex to Caleb's place in the first place.

   "He... didn't make it?" Willie asks, barely hearing his own words.

   "No, he didn't. The boys couldn't find their unfinished business, as I was sure they would, and now they're gone."

   Willie felt his heart getting heavier and mind darker as Caleb silently disappeares.

   "He found his unfinish business and crossed over."

   "He did?" Alex asks. He doesn't know if he should be happy or sad. So he has mixed feelings. "It's... not possible for me to see him again", Alex more like thinks outloud to himself than asks for Caleb.

   "I'm sorry", Caleb says. Alex feels his breath getting harder as his anxiety rising.

   It wasn't hard for Reggie and Luke to see that there was something wrong with Alex. It was like he was there but not completely there. The two guys had never thought about how it would look like for a ghost to be physically with you but spirituality somewhere far away. When you think about that, it sounds almost funny, but whatever there was with Alex that was certainly not funny. It was seriously worrying Reggie and Luke.

   "Okay, Alex..." Luke started as they paused their practising for the fifth time. "Did something happen with Willie?"

   Alex felt his heart skipping one beat as he heard the name he's been thinking about all day. Alex thought that practising would take his mind off of him but now Alex realized that it just wasn't possible. He had to leave. He had to go out, somewhere. Anywhere.

   "Alex, you know you can talk to us", Reggie said. 

   Alex took a deep breath and told what Caleb told him.

   Sometime after that Alex went out, letting his friends know he wouldn't be gone for too long.

   There were a lot of places Alex could've gone but only one he actually wanted to go.

   Now he's standing in front of the same museum where Willie took him to try some yelling as a way for Alex to release his anxiety.

   Alex takes a really deep breath before closing his eyes and walking through the glass doors. He doesn't open his eyes until he's inside the building. He teleports to the exact room where he and Willie went to talk and do some yelling.

   Alex feels something burning inside him but also a strong feeling of not being able to breath properly. Just when he feels tears rising, he closes his eyes, opens his mouth and lets it all out.

   He screams. Louder than he thought he would but still not hard enough for all the anxiety to get freed.

   "Alex?" Someone says. At that very second Alex stops. The voice that called Alex isn't even close as loud as his screaming, but Alex hears it crystal clear. As he opens his eyes and turns around he already knows who that belongs to. He has been waiting to hear it for a time that feels like eternity.

   "Willie...?" Alex says quietly, almost whispering. Right in front of him stands a guy whose hair is dark and long, and he's holding a skateboard. 

   "Did he lie...?" The dark haired guy asks as if talking to himself. Alex walks slowly closer to the young man and just when he's reaching out to his hand, the couple of inches smaller guy lets go of his skate, letting it fall to the ground and grabs the hand reaching for him, pulling Alex into a tight hug, buring his face to the taller one's shoulder.

   "Caleb lied", Alex whispers back as he closes his arms around Willies' body.

   For a moment there's nothing else that could be heard than Alex and Willie's breaths as they're trying to internalize that they didn't actually lose each other.

   "I thought I lost you", Willie whispers.

   "Thought I lost you, too", Alex says.

   Couple of moments later they finally take a bit of distance from each other, still not letting go of each other's hands. Even after that they take a few seconds looking at each other from head to toe.

   "I missed you, Hotdog", Willie says quietly, with a familiar smirk that's almost the size of what Alex is used to.

   "I missed you, too. A lot." Alex can't help but let a little smile rise to the corner of his lips as he hears the nickname Willie gave him the first day they met. "I have to tell you something", Alex says with a tone that tells Willie right away that the blonde guy is a bit nervous.

   "Go ahead", Willie says encouragingly as he strokes Alex's palm with his thumb.

   "I'm in love with you, Willie. I love you."

   It takes about 5 seconds for Willie to register what Alex said. He places his another hand softly on Alex's neck and strokes softly the skin under the ear.

   "I love you, too", Willie answers with slightly sore voice.

   As they both end up smiling they lean on each other and place their foreheads against one another, closing their eyes once again.


Thanks for reading ~♡

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