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The sound of birds chirping awoke Jimin from his deep sleep. "Urgh" Jimin groaned and covered his eyes as the bright sun blinded him.

"Who the heck opened my curtains?" Jimin rose from his bed into a sitting position and stretched his arms. "I feel so relaxed" he sighed. "hmm..." Jimin got out of bed and walked towards his bathroom to do his business.

While Jimin was doing his business with his eyes slightly closed and a hand on his little friend, the memories of the night before came flooding into his head and his eyes shot open.

"Shit!" Jimin stepped back. "It can't be... I... I- I didn't... I couldn't... He-... Jungkook...". He rushed to take a look in the mirror, then he saw it, his neck. There were dark patches on his neck. "Fuck! Was he trying to eat me?!"

Jimin sighed. So that really happened huh? Jimin thought to himself. Jungkook and I. I did that. With a man. I guess it did feel good, kinda. It wasn't bad. Jimin scratched his head as he walked back into his bedroom.

"Good morning kitten"

Jimin stopped in his tracks. "J- Jungkook?" Jungkook was sitting on Jimin's nicely made bed, staring at jimin like a hungry lion stares at a piece of meat. Jungkook eyed his prey up and down before liking his lips and smirking.

Jimin suddenly felt uncomfortable and looked down, and he suddenly realized that he was wearing nothing but his boxers. His cheeks flushed a slight red as he tried to cover himself.

Jungkook chuckled and stood up from the bed. "There's no need to hide yourself beautiful" Jungkook walked towards Jimin until he was standing right infront of him. Jimin looked down. After everything that has happened between them, he couldn't look Jungkook in the eye. Jungkook held a soft smile as he lifted Jimin's face with his hand.

"I've already seen" Jungkook leaned in towards him until his lips were close to Jimin's ear, as he whispered, "everything".

Jimin's face flushed a deep red as he pushed Jungkook away from him. "Get out!" Jimin yelled as he continued to push Jungkook out of his room, "get out get out get out". Jimin slammed his bedroom door shut after successfully pushing Jungkook out of his room.

Jimin's heart was beating fast as he slid down with his back against his door. He heard Jungkook chuckle from the other side of his door.

"I have to go now Kitten. I already made breakfast, you can eat when you're ready. Goodbye Minnie". Jimin heard the sound of Jungkook's footsteps as they began to fade into the distant. 

After having dissociated for who knows how long, Jimin stood up from his spot and walked back into his bathroom so he could take a shower. The shower was longer than he had planned, the water just felt too good, so warm. Jimin sighed in content as he got out of the shower and dried off, he walked to his closet and grabbed the closest robe and put it on, followed by a pair of boxers.

Jimin walked downstairs towards the kitchen, he yawned and stretched as a delicious smell passed by his nostrils. "mm.. what smells so good" he asked as he entered his kitchen. Jimin stopped in his tracks.

"Morning bro" Jihyun said between mouth fulls, "how are you feeling?" he licked some syrup off his fingers, "these pancakes are delicious, when did you become such a good cook?"

Jimin scratched his head and gave a nervous chuckle, "I found a good recipe online, when did you get here?" he asked his brother, as he grabbed a plate and sat down across from Jihyun.

Jihyun finished the last pancake off his plate, "I only got here a few minutes ago, I was going to come up stairs to wake you up but then I smelt this delicious food and decided to help myself. I figured you were already awake since you already made breakfast". He stood up and walked towards one of the cupboards to grab two mugs, "would you like some coffee bro?"

Jimin nodded as he put a piece of a pancake in his mouth. "thanks bro, that would great"

Jimin cut another piece of the pancake on his plate as he whispered, "he's a really good cook, these are delicious. He's a very talented man"

"Did you say something bro?" Jihyun asked as he put a cup of steaming hot coffee infront of his brother.

"huh?" Jimin turned to look at his brother. "no not all, I was just talking to myself, don't worry about it"

Jimin took a sip of his coffee and hummed in appreciation, this coffee takes delicious, he thought to himself. What is this? Cinnamon? Nutmeg? Whatever it is, it tastes good.

"This coffee is great bro. You've really outdone yourself". He put his cup down and licked his lips, "are you sure you made this?" he questioned his brother, "other did your mystery crush come by and make you this?" Jihyun gave his brother a sly smirk "did she perhaps, spend the night?"

Jimin's face heated up and he blushed as memories of last night flooded his thoughts. Jungkook.

"I'm right aren't I? oh shit! You got laid didn't you, bro?"

Jimin cleared his throat. "I don't know what you're talking about". He took another sip of his coffee and went back to eating his pancakes. Jungkook had fried some bacon as well.

Jimin and his brother finished off their breakfast before Jimin went upstairs to get dressed while Jihyun cleaned up. He insisted on cleaning up since his brother cooked breakfast.

The spent the rest of the day watching movies and joking around. While laughing at something that happened in the movie he was watching, Jimin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.


Hi Beautiful, how are you feeling? I hope you enjoyed your breakfast.

I had fun last night, I hope it wasn't a one-time thing. I feel something for you Jimin, can we talk? Not right now of course, maybe tomorrow? I don't want to rush you into anything, I'm pretty sure this is all so new to you. Please give me a chance Jimin, I know I can make you happy. Please. Be mine.


Jimin stared at his phone and sighed. Jungkook, he thought. What am I going to do with you? A small smile decorated his lips as he continued to stare at his phone.

"Shit! Did you see that?!" Jihyun exclaimed while his eyes were glued to the TV screen. They were currently watching Jumanji the next level on Netflix.

" Yeah! Damn that was awesome!" Jimin tried to match his brother's excitement so he wouldn't notice that he wasn't paying attention. Looks like it worked, Jimin thought as he locked his phone and put it beside him.

He tried his best to focus on the movie but somehow his thoughts kept going back to Jungkook. He seemed like such a nice guy, and Jimin would be lying if he said that he didn't feel anything for Jungkook, but what could he do about it? His parents, heck, his whole family would disown him if he told them he wanted to date Jungkook, and more importantly, he was not gay. 

I'm not I? (JiKook)Where stories live. Discover now