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The Black Widow does what she can in her hidden position, scanning her screens to follow the battle from another location. She pins a location of the beacons from her computer to Starks uniform;

"I'm sending you boys the locations. You let me know when you need backup."

With Maria Hill at her side she focuses intently on the mission. It's simple; destroy the problems and get the intel. She's done it a million times. At the moment she's hoping the field is easy to read with limited interactions.

The techy vehicle holds half her teammates while Steve and Tony tour the area. It isn't long before Rogers calls for backup, leading to Thor jumping out first.

Clint reaches for his quiver and bids Natasha 'good luck as' she sends him into the action. A nod is all Banner needs before taking the hint.

He stops at her station to offer a small vial. Natasha's eyes narrow curiously when he holds up a blue liquid. He shakes his head over her hesitation and explains;

"I don't condone violence but I'm all about self-defense."

"What is this?"

He leaves it in her palm, "I gave your widow's bite an upgrade. Something that won't fire back so easily and give you more range. Possibly reduce the burns on your fingers."

"Tired of patching me up?"

"You're welcome."

Romanoff can't hide her smirk as he moves to follow Barton in a shirt he won't mind destroying;

"When did you do this? Last night...?"

He scoffs before running off to allow his greener half some freedom, "You know I don't sleep."

Natasha waits by the exit to see him off, eyes lowering to her vial. There's something sweet and yet frightening to her about his attentive nature.

She shrugs off her leather jacket, eager to address the cuff of her uniform. She swaps out her old venom for the new and reaches for a pistol left out on the tray to slip into her holster;

"Got a time for me Agent Hill?"

Maria calls from behind over the screen, "Not to overstep here, but if you're going, I'd get going. You have about eight minutes until your crew destroys everything on that field."

"I only need four."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Goddammit! Can you watch where you're aiming for the millionth time!"

Clint snarls over Tony's complaints and purposely fires an arrow directly for his foot. The Iron Man whines dramatically over a clank off his heel.

Rogers addresses the team, partnering with Thor to reflect the lightning from his hammer onto half the beacons while Hulk and Iron Man handle their section.

Clint reaches for his com, "Hill? Any update on Nat?"

Maria calls back, loudly at first before he adjusts her volume, "Not yet. She just reached the facility."

"Is it clear?"

"From what I can tell. The security footage isn't incredible."

"You tell me if she needs backup."

"It's Romanoff. She doesn't need anything."

Steve runs toward Barton and shouts as he throws his shield;

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