He's dead. Or is he?

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The sound of my footsteps echoes around the rubble surrounding me. This is it. The final face-off Dumbledore warned me of. 

          "Ah....here he is. The Saviour of the Wizarding World," his words barely ripple the air around him. Voldemort. 

A snakelike face turns much like the Queen in first year...


          "Wait a minute..." 

          "You understand right, Harry. Once I make my move, the Queen will take me...then you'll be free to check the King," Ron gulped.

          "No! Ron! No!"

          "What is it?"

           "He's going to sacrifice himself!"


Sacrifice. So many sacrifices. The bodies litter the ground yet he doesn't seem to care. Why not? Why do you not care about all these people who died? Died for you. For you. Your followers and mine alike. Dead. Blood washing the crumbling walls. Walls you used to walk in. Walls you destroyed without so much as a second glance. A courtyard once green and lush. Reduced to bare soil. But you don't care. 

...Voldemort is my past, present, and future.....

....I want to see the light leave your eyes!....

I walk forward just as you turn and green light meets red in a blinding golden light. 

A bloodcurdling shriek and you are gone. Forever. I see your body disintegrate just as my vision is blinded by that same light.......

-------------------After Voldemort dies--------------

          "Ha-Harry?" Ron tries tentatively. 

No response. 

          "Harry?" More confidently now. 

No response. 

          "Harry James Potter! Get up! Get. Up!" 

Hermione crawls up and screams, a sound that rebounds across the grounds and others stand. 

Ron is white as a sheet, shaking his best mate's shoulders. But he is gone. Dead. The Boy Who Lived is dead. 

His eyes stare up at the soot-ridden sky. Despairingly. Unseeingly. Glassily. 

The savior is gone and Wizarding Britain mourns. Yet again. For all the deaths this war doth take, one will always be honored. 

Life and Death are but one thread, the same line viewed from different sides. 

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Life leaves a memory no one can steal. 

Yet the bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. 

Grief is the price we pay for Love. 

Even the Dark Lord knew. 

But there was a time he didn't. A time when he could...

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