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"Jeongin you got another letter," Chris said, a dimpled smile plastered on his face as he entered the studio. Taking the letter from the leader and him walking away after, he ripped it open and read the neatly printed handwriting on the pink paper.

Sighing to himself, he placed the letter aside as he looked over to Seungmin for him to continue the vocal lesson. Seungmin shook his head and signaled him to hand over the letter.

"Who even is she Jeongin? Do you actually know her?" Seungmin asked, examining the letter again. He was starting to come to the conclusion that this girl was a crazy fan, but then again, she did get all the member's gifts on Jeongin's birthday.

The maknae just shrugged and warmed up his vocal cords again. Seungmin put the letter down and continued on with the lesson.
Yunjin happily looked at the letter and smiled to herself. Instantly grabbing her phone, she dialed her brother's number. He was touring right now and she was supposed to be studying for an English exam, but this was more important.

"Hello?" Yunho finally answered after the fourth ring. She squealed excitedly causing her brother to instantly hang up the phone. Pouting she called again.

"What? It's literally 4 AM." Her brother groaned as he yelled into the phone, all that could be heard after was her breathing and the smack of a pillow against Yunho's head.

"Shut up or go outside." Mingi could be heard through the phone. Yunho groaned again and he left the room and sat on the stairs.

"Are we all situated? Good! Guess what happened Hoho?" Yunjin yelled into the phone, excitement, and happiness dripping in tone. Yunho didn't really care at the moment, he just wanted to go back to sleep.

"What? What was so important that I had to rise at 4 AM when I have stuff to do at about 6 AM today? Hm?" Yunho said a bit harshly, the thought of sleeping during this call was very tempting for him at the moment.

"I'll have you know, this phone call is very important to me and it should be for you too. Anyways, I got one back from him." Her excitement was skyrocketing at the moment, again.

"Good...now good night." He was about to hang up the phone again when he heard her crying. Internally groaning to himself, he sighed and continued to call.

"Why are you crying, Yun?" He made himself sound believably worried when in reality he was on the verge of passing out on the stairs.

A few hours have past and he did a few of his morning routines as they continued to talk on the phone. After a while, they finally hung up and Yunho went down the stairs to sleep on the couch for a bit. Not realizing what time it was, he was sure it was barely 5 AM, but when he turned on the light to the living room...he was met by one of the members, Choi San.

"Good morning." Yunho instantly regretted answering her call that early in the morning. 

Wowie! Anyways, this is the first official event written chapter. I hope you are enjoying the story so far, I know it seems sort of rushed and I apologize. It's been a while since I actually wrote anything, but nonetheless, I still try! Well...stay safe, wear a mask, and Happy Valentine's Day! Updates are soon!-Jayy

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