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Miku: Y / n? ...

Y / n: Miku ...

Miku: I don't understand anything ...

Y / n: Miku, i can explain ...

"Miku leaves high school and goes home"

Y / n: Miku, wait, don't leave!

"Y / n runs after Miku but is stopped by Yotsuba"

Yotsuba: Leave it, better that way

Y / n: Dar ...

Yotsuba: Now is not the time to talk to her, believe me

Y / n: Okay ...

Yotsuba: And I'm sorry, it's all my fault

Y / n: It's not your fault, I should have, I'm coming faster

"Y / n and Yotsuba go to their classes"

"Hours are over"

Y / n: "in mind" What am I going to do now?  What if Miku hates me?  I need to be able to do something

"Y / n leaves school but is stopped by Itsuki"

Itsuki: Hey Y / n, do you know what Miku has?  When Ichika and I had just left the apartment, Miku had come and told us what was missing today.  We tried to convince her to come to high school but she didn't want to

Y / n: No, I don't know anything

Itsuki: Oh, ok, not Y / n

Y / n: Pa

"Y / n gets home and goes straight to his room"

Y / n: "in mind" What should I do?  Know!  I'll text Yotsuba to find out how Miku is feeling

Y / n: Hey Yotsuba

Yotsuba: Hey Y / n

Y / n: What is Miku doing?

Yotsuba: He hasn't left the room yet

Y / n: I understand ... Could you go out with your sisters outside of Miku somewhere and leave me with her in your apartment?

Yotsuba: Sure

Y / n: Thank you

"Y / n arrives at the Nakano sisters' apartment"

Nino: Does he really have to come here?

Yotsuba: Don't worry, nothing bad will happen

Nino: Ugh, okay

"The girls leave and Y / n goes to Miku's door and knocks on her"

Y / n: Miku, we need to talk

Miku: Well

Y / n: Listen, I understand you're upset ...

Miku: Leave

Y / n: But I feel like I can't hide anymore

Miku: What?

Y / n: I fell in love with you!

Miku: Why? ...

Y / n: Pai ...


Y / n: Because ...


Y / n: Miku ...

Miku: "crying" I don't understand why you fell in love with me, I'm not good at anything ...

Y / n: Miku, open the door

"Miku opens the door and you see her crying loudly"

Y / n: Miku ...

"Y / n hugs her tightly"

Miku: How can you fall in love with me?  I do not deserve this...

Y / n: Don't be so negative, I love you and I will always love you

"Y / n kisses Miku on the lips"

Miku: What was that?

Y / n: Just a little gesture to show you that I love you

Miku: But how did you fall in love with me?

Y / n: From the day I saw you for the first time, I felt something strange, I thought it would pass but it didn't pass, I fell in love with you.  I love you Miku

Miku: Y / n ... I love you too

"Y / n and Miku spend all their time together in the apartment until Miku's sisters come"

Itsuki: I'm here

Miku: Welcome home

"They notice that Y / n and Miku are closer than usual"

Itsuki: Did something happen while I wasn't home?

Miku: Oh, well Y / n and I are together

"A moment of silence"

Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba and Itsuki: What?!?

Nino: I told you we can't leave him here because something will happen

Miku: You're just jealous

Nino: No

Y / n: "thinking" Oh, it's not good

Itsuki: Come on girls, stop arguing

Miku: You're right, I'm going to my room with my boyfriend

Y / n: "thinking" I like that she said "boyfriend"

Ichika: Don't do anything forbidden

Miku: Maybe we do

Y / n: Eh?

"Y / n and Miku go to her room and do nothing forbidden and then Y / n goes home"

Y / n's mother: And what did you do to your girlfriend?

Y / n: Well ...

Y / n's mother: What, did something happen?

Y / n: Now she really is my girlfriend ...

"Quiet overall"

Y / n's mother: I KNEW

Y / n: What? ...

Y / n's mother: I was sure you would end up with this girl, I'd better call your father to tell him.  When will you bring her to meet her?

Y / n: I won't bring it yet

Y / n's mother: Why?

Y / n: You're going to embarrass me

Y / n's mother: It's not true

Y / n: Yes, it is.

"Y / n goes to his room"

Y / n: "in mind" Did that really happen?  Am I with Miku?  Wow

And so is this chapter.  I honestly have no more ideas.  But fear not, I will not end this story for the time being.  That's about it now and see you next time.

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