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Drip... drip... drip.... the sound was driving me insane as I lay on a cold, stone floor with my arms tied to the wall and my legs chained by thick, heavy iron. I was almost glad when the guard came for me... almost. If I had known what was to come I would have never gone with the guard so tame. Before I knew what was happening, a hessian bag and draw cord was thrown over my head and secured tightly around my throat, not tight enough to choke me but enough to leave a deep red mark on my skin. As we walked through what felt to me like a hundred corridors, more people gathered, their footsteps echoing loudly in the corridors.

Suddenly a vice like grip seized both my shoulders, while a kick swept my feet out from under me. My arms and legs were grabbed almost in unison in a well choreographed movement that had probably been perfected through countless practices with other prisoners. Then, out of the blue,freezing water was poured over my body and the sack on my head. The hessian became heavy and wet, sticking to my face as I tried to breathe. I felt like I was drowning, each breath was hard and I was starting to panic, fear and adrenaline coursed through my veins. Despair started taking over my mind when I felt no weaken of the others holding me, despite my thrashing arms and kicking legs. I felt helplessness overcome the despair of my mind.

Although this torture, known as the Chinese water torture, had been in my training, nothing can prepare you for facing it with the actual intent of harm. As suddenly as it had started, it stopped, the huge, wet hessian sack was pulled off my head,none to gently. I Hung there, gasping for air and shivering."I must look pathetic" I thought to myself bitterly "but at least I didn't scream". when I had finally regained my breath I looked up, and straight into the eyes of the man my team were hunting. I was looking into the eyes of Jacques DeLevi.

So how did I get here? let me take you from the beginning of my special forces career.

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