Chapter 6 - Sweet Dreams

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TW: sort of sexual themes- nothing intense at all just cute stuff

The dream of a lifetime coated johns mind.. yet he didn't even realise how he felt until right now.. the blissful scene played out in front of him yet he was so distant from it all. He wanted to stay there forever- to feel his hands on Keith's waist (restricting himself from moving them anywhere else).. and to hear the words Keith was whispering to him. It was nice to hear.. almost arousing- Keith offered to please him every chance he got- and it was in a gentle wistful voice- that made John swoon like mad- his heart beating so he could hear it through his ears.. and he was worried Keith may hear it too.. nothing else had made him feel like that before before.. he was patient- Keith was. He let John feel all those sensations that must've been awfully new to him at the time- and he was glad John was feeling them from him. It was blatantly obvious that John liked him.. of course. John was also patient- yet it was in a manner that he didn't make a move on Keith, simply because he was too scared too- he let Keith make the first move since he figured he as much more bold.. then he would pounce.. in a loving sort of way

A voice woke him from his dream- and he shot up- breaking out into a cold sweat and looking over at the figure stood at his door- Roger - and Pete was behind him "hey John you alright? We were going to head down to the shops do you want anything?" He asked- smiling softly at him- they had both noticed he must've been dreaming about something that was getting him excited.. he would mumble and make gentle noises as he slept- Roger assumed it was a girl of some sort.. however John shook his head and finally replied "no I'm okay.. thanks.." he said- rubbing his eyes to try and wake himself up more.. "alright.. we'll be around an hour okay?" Roger said- shutting the door back up so that John could get more rest if he needed it..

John looked down at himself- embarrassed of what his body managed to let out while he was dreaming of something that would never happen.. - he covered his face and let himself fall back so he was now laying on the bed once again.. "God.. why is it me that has to feel like that.." he said- looking to the side and grabbing a glass of water from the side..

As he was sipping at it- he pondered what Keith may possibly be doing right now.. it interested him really- he could be talking to anyone or doing anything.. . Or doing anyone.. and John wouldn't know that's the dark part about it- Keith probably didn't like him the way John did so he would just be going round doing all the same stuff with everyone else.. smoking weed- calling them dear boy or mentioning hitting on them the first time they met.. maybe that's what made Keith such a bold character- because he didn't really care.. sure he may have been venerable on the inside but John had only seen a little of that side.. it was sweet nonetheless- and John liked having Keith hug him so close.

John managed to get up and clean himself up before Pete and Roger came back with all the shopping- mostly food stuff but Pete managed to get his hands on a bit of Beatles memorabilia- y'know- like he always did.. which reminded John that he should start collecting guns again. "Hey you two" he said as he headed out his room- looking over at Roger and Pete who were putting away the shopping they had got "hey John you alright now?" They said almost at the exact same time- John nodded and looked around "yeah .. as alright as I can be I guess.."

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