Chapter 7

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Dr. Shields says I need to write personal messages to each of the crew. She says it'll keep me tethered to humanity. I think it's bullshit. But hey, it's an order.

  With you, I can be blunt:

  If I die, I need you to check on my parents. They'll want to hear about our time on Mars first-hand. I'll need you to do that.

  It won't be easy talking to a couple about their dead son. It's a lot to ask; that's why I'm asking you. I'd tell you you're my best friend and stuff, but it would be gay.

  I'm not giving up. Just planning for every outcome. It's what I do.

  Guo Ming, Director of the China National Space Administration, examined the expansive paperwork at his desk. In the old days, when China wanted to launch a rocket, they just launched it. Now, they were compelled by international agreements to warn other nations first.

  It was a requirement, Guo Ming noted to himself, that did not apply to the United States. To be fair, the Americans publicly announced their launch schedules well in advance, so it amounted to the same.

  He walked a fine line filling out the form: Making the launch date and flight path clear, while doing everything possible to "conceal state secrets."

  He snorted at the last requirement. "Ridiculous," he mumbled. The Taiyang Shen had no strategic or military value. It was an unmanned probe that would be in Earth orbit less than two days. After that, it would travel to a solar orbit between Mercury and Venus. It would be China's first heliology probe to orbit the sun.

  Yet, the State Council insisted all launches be shrouded in secrecy. Even launches with nothing to hide. This way, other nations could not infer from lack of openness which launches contained classified payloads.

  A knock at the door interrupted his paperwork.

  "Come," Guo Ming said, happy for the interruption.

  "Good evening, Sir," said Under-Director Zhu Tao.

  "Tao, welcome back."

  "Thank you, Sir. It's good to be back in Beijing."

  "How were things at Jiuquan?" asked Guo Ming. "Not too cold, I hope? I'll never understand why our launch complex is in the middle of the Gobi Desert."

  "It was cold, yet manageable," Zhu Tao said.

  "And how are launch preparations coming along?"

  "I am happy to report they are all on-schedule."

  "Excellent," Guo Ming smiled.

  Zhu Tao sat quietly, staring at his boss.

  Guo Ming looked expectantly back at him, but Zhu Tao neither stood to leave nor said anything further.

  "Something else, Tao?" Guo Ming asked.

  "Mmm," Zhu Tao said, "Of course, you've heard about the Iris probe?"

  "Yes, I did," Guo frowned. "Terrible situation. That poor man's going to starve."

  "Possibly," Zhu Tao said. "Possibly not." Guo Ming leaned back in his chair. "What are you saying?"

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