──── 08. logic game

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THE DOOR FLUNG OPEN, revealing the subject teacher for this hour. The lady glance at the both of you, disappointed. Yet, she isn't really surprised.

"Y/n, Miya, again?" The teacher mumbled, disappointed that the two best students were having a fight again. The black-haired male let go of your wrist, as he helped you get off from the table.

"It's just a playful fight, Miss!" You explained, waving your hands up in the air just so she won't think that both of you were really fighting.

The middle-aged woman let out a heavy sigh and nodded her head. The students sat on their respective seats. The teacher went to the front and placed her book on the desk.

It's English.

"I know you guys were bored from our lessons." The teacher stated.

"So, how about we play a game?" She asked, making the students erupted into cheers. Thinking that they will play some non-educated games. Well, sadly they are wrong about that.

"Let's play a logic game!" She said, her voice filled with excitement after coming up with all sorts of logic games.  The other students whined, while the others kept quiet and stared at the teacher, their eyes twinkling in excitement. Your ears perked up.

"Whoever has the most points, will be exempted for our next week's quiz!" The lady exclaimed, and the students started whispering to themselves, as if encouraging them so that they won't do the quiz.

You slightly leaned to Miya's shoulders.

"The loser has to do the winner's three wishes." You whispered, trying not to get caught by the teacher. Miya glance at you for a second before looking at the front again.

"Deal." He whispered back.

"Okay, are you all ready?!" the students nodded their head, listening attentively.

"Let's start with the easiest one first." She stated, she started looking around the classroom and walked back and fourth as she spoke.

"What common English verb becomes it's own past tense by rearranging its letters?" The teacher asked, she then waited for the students' answers.

"Ate." You answered, raising your hand in the process for the teacher to acknowledge you.

"Very good, expected from Y/N! 1 point for her." She then wrote your name on the board.

"Next up! It occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour." You were about to raised your hand to answer, but Miya was fast enough.

"M!" He answered, making you whine.

"Ugh.." you started whining inside your head. You planned on winning this because whenever both of you have a bet, you always lose to him.

"Very good, Miya! 1 point for him." She wrote Miya's name on the board, below your name.

"Let's make it harder.. Hmm.." The teacher started thinking, trying to remember the logics that she made up.

"A man was trapped in a room, there are no windows and door. How did he get out?"

"Through the hole...?" A classmate said, unsure of their answer.

"Using the doorway. There is no door, but there's a doorway." Miya answered casually.

"Aish! I need to think faster!" you scolded yourself, letting out a small sigh.

"Correct! Additional point for Miya." now Miya has two points, you need to hurry up, you started biting your lower lip anxiously as you focused yourself on the teacher.

"Imagine you're in a room with no windows, door or doorway. How will you get out?" The questions were getting harder for the middle school students.

"Is that even possible-" Your classmate didn't finished their sentence when you raised your hand.

"Stop imagining!" You accidentally raised your voice, you even stood up as you slammed your other hand on your table. The teacher let out a small giggle.

"Correct, Y/N!" She then wrote a point beside your name.

"A red house is made of red bricks and a blue house is made of blue bricks. What is a green house made of?"

"Easy. Green bricks!" Some of them exclaimed confidently.


"Gla--" You cutted Miya off by slamming your hand on his mouth, he releases a muffling sounds as he tried to get out from your touch.

"Glass!" you answered, the teacher shook her head at your siliness, and let out a small chuckle.

"Well, I guess slamming your classmate's mouth can still be counted. 1 point again for Y/N!"

"Ugh, it's impossible! It's either Y/N or Miya would get exempted from the quiz." The students whined, slamming their head on their table as they let out some sounds.

"Don't get upset, students! Remember to just have fun. No pressure~" The teacher cooed, giving her students an angelic smile.

"Next, second to the last question! What word is so fragile that when you say it, you'll break it?"

"Does that even exist, Miss?" One of them asked, their brain was already tired from thinking.

"It's silence, right?" You answered, making your fellow classmates glance at you.

"That's correct."

"Welp, we all know that Y/N's going to win. Congrats in advance, bro." One of the boys said, giving you a salute. Already accepting fate as it is. In this class, or even the whole year level, no one can compete with you nor Miya.

"Mmm, okay last question! This might be the hardest question for you guys, so if someone got the correct answer, we won't be having a quiz next week!" The teacher clapped her hands as she said that, the students face lit up as they shouted due to happiness, hoping that one of them could answer it.

"How can a woman read in a middle of a dark room at night, with no lamp or any source of light?"

A moment of dead silence, students started using their last braincells for today, just so they won't be having a quiz.

"Using braille system." Miya mumbled, yet enough for the whole class to hear.

"Why didn't I think of that..?" You thought to yourself, looking at Miya in awe.

"Correct, Miya! Students, say your thank you's to Miya because you won't be having your quiz!"

The students erupted into cheers, some of the boys even went to Miya and carried him, raising him up in the air. The male started to struggle, shouting at his classmates to put him down.

"I still won, Miya! I got 4 points, I guess you'll be granting my three wishes then." You told the male while smirking. Miya just shook his head and gave you a small smile, yet you could tell that it was a real smile of his. He then patted the top of your head, messing your hair in the process.

"Wow, you finally won against me." He teased, giving you a playful smirk as you sent a glare on his way.

✓ 𝙐𝙉𝙆𝙉𝙊𝙒𝙉  𝙁𝙀𝙀𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎  ── miya chinen .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now