Chapter 10- Traitors and Lies

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"You really like Isac don't you?" I asked Katy.

She blushed, "Ok, yeah... but don't deny it... I know about Travis."

I wouldn't be surprised if my cheeks caught fire right now. "Yeah yeah. I do. Whatever... But I've been meaning to talk to you about this Katy, you know now- a -days I see Travis gazing into his phone a lot."

It was true. The phone gazing had increased rapidly since we got to Isac's house.

"Your point being?" Katy asked wonderingly.

"I mean what happens if there's another girl in his life?"

"What...NO! My ship has sunk!" Katy screamed.

I shushed her, laughing. We were in Isac's balcony. I couldn't sleep today either, not with this on my mind. I knew I had to settle it once and for all. The moon was lying low in the sky, brightly shining silver, lighting up the little town in Sector 4. Half of Katy's face was illuminated in the light , making her looked like an angel. I could almost imagine a pair of wings in place of her hands.

"So what do I do?" I asked her

"If I were you I would just talk to him about it."

"But what happens if I don't like the answer? What happens if I lose my focus on the adventure?" I inquired.

"Look if things don't work out then you can always move on. You didn't come here for romance drama."

                                                                                                 . . .

You didn't come here for romance drama. Katy's words echoed in my head as I made my way back to the room. Just as I was about to enter I heard faint whispers coming from the guest room, no one was supposed to be using. I turned and headed in the direction of the voice. I approached the door and pushed it open slightly , so that no one would notice. I saw Travis gazing out of the window, but this time he wasn't looking into the phone. It was next to his ear. Hmmm... maybe he finally found the courage to call this mystery girl. In the gentle glow of moonlight I could see him biting his lip and... his eyes were glistening with tears. Then he spoke into the phone.

"Hello? It's Travis. I need to speak to her." A moments silence.

"NO! I DON'T CARE IF SHE'S BUSY!" he yelled.

I almost jumped. I'd never seen Travis this agitated.

"Give her the damn phone." He was calm again but there was this slight edge in his voice which made you feel like he was holding a knife to your throat.

"Tell her I'm sorry. I have to set things right." He said, letting out a sob.

My heart clenched. The words stung me. I knew I shouldn't be feeling this way, he was just a guy. But jealousy was boiling inside me.

"I'm not doing this anymore... I love her."

At this point I was ready to chuck the phone out the window. Then I felt angry for thinking that way. Of course he loved some other girl. I couldn't believe that I actually thought that he had fallen for me. There was nothing special about me.

You didn't come here for romance drama.

Ugh. What was I thinking!? .I had made up my mind. It didn't matter now. I only had to focus on the journey and my friend's safety. If I could manage that, then everything would be alright.

A sudden thud snapped me out of my thoughts. I realized Travis had ended the call and had flung the phone at the wall, in rage. Then he sunk down onto the floor, pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his face into his hands. I could hear sniffling. I tried to turn and walk away but I couldn't leave him like this. He slowly got up, wiping his tears and headed for the door. I hid behind a side table just as the door swung open. After he was clear out of view I got up to head back to my room. But then I decided otherwise. I sneaked into the guest room and gently closed the door. I locked it and then tugged hard just to make sure. I found the broken phone lying in a clump near the wall. Maybe I could fix it...

I didn't know what I was doing. My hands flew around, as I attempted to repair the phone. Just as I was about to give up, it lit up and the home screen popped up in front of me. Then it occurred to me that I didn't fix the phone for Travis. I fixed it for myself. Deep down I knew that I wanted to know who this girl was. Out of curiosity I was about to go to call logs, then I stopped myself.

I should respect his privacy.

But this was different.

No it wasn't. I would hate it if anyone went through my call logs.

No, I would just get annoyed.


But why would I want Travis to be annoyed at me?

Why would you care? It's not like he likes you... so you have nothing to lose!

Fine, curiosity won over. I went to his call logs and checked the last call. There was no contact name. Strange... then I looked at the number. It felt weirdly familiar... No... No... Of course it was weirdly familiar. I had this number drilled into my brain. And all along I thought... I thought that maybe it was just another girl. Another one he loved. But no... not this far. It couldn't be this extreme. I refused to believe it. I refused to glance at the number in front of me... Belatrice.

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