Power(s): (Air Powers)Aerokinesis, Aeroportation, Air Mimicry, Deoxygenation, Lung Adaption, Wind Generation, Divine and Dark Wind Manipulation, (Mind Powers) Hypnosis, Dream Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Mind Exchange, Neurocognitive Deficit
Weapon(s): Hand Fan
Strength(s): hypnotizing people, controlling air in her way
Weakness(es): Can't control wind is space, easily gullible, can't remove air in more than three places, can only use neurocognitive deficit when someone is hypnotized
Fighting style/Moves/Techniques:
Fighting Style: Jujutsu. Judo, Muay Thai
Moves/Techniques: Windmill Tornado, Air Burst, Dash Boost, Mind Blast, Memory Surge, Mind Shut Down
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1. Is believed to be Silver's ancestor.
2.If she didn't wear a mask, she would have lipstick on.
3. Was originally suppose to be a hedgehog, copy of Shadow.