Chapter 1

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Childes pov

I woke up this morning in good mood knowing a new student was joining us everyone was saying it was gonna be a hot girl I kept my hopes up I got ready for the day I had to wear the stupid uniform when I was home I'd wear it properly because if I didn't my mom would get mad at me I got everything ready as my mom called me down saying my friends were here I ran downstairs and seen them standing at the door my closest friend was Kaeya and Chongyun they've been my friends for years Chongyun was dating Xingqiu Kaeya was into Albedo the guy he bullies because he doesn't know how to flirt when he's into the person Albedo hates him though then there is me the only straight one that gets lots of girls even though I'm an asshole to a lot of people  I walked outside with them as we walked to school Kaeya saw Albedo walking with a girl named Sucrose she had a big crush on him Kaeya knew about her crush on albedo because she would often tell Kaeya he wouldn't have a chance with him since he's a guy and Albedo liked girls Kaeyas smile dropped once he saw them I put my arm around his shoulder "Ignore them" I said into his ear he just looked away as the three of us walked faster Chongyun left us to go meet up with Xingqiu me and Kaeya walked into the school and walked around for a bit everyone was by our class room looking through windows to see if anyone was in there the bell rang for class everyone in my class walked in the others left I sat in my seat by the window Kaeya had a seat in front of me when the teacher walked in he stood at the front of the class "Everyone knows we are having a new student join us today please treat them nicely" He said staring at me when he said that last part I sighed then a guy with long brown hair walked in he was around Kaeyas height I would say around 5'11 I was around 6'1 he stood beside the teacher looking at the class with a straight face "Hello my name is Zhongli nice to meet you all" he did a small bow I stood up "Where's the hot chick?" everyone looked at me the teacher sighed fixing his glasses "There is no girl joining us now sit down and be quiet Childe" I groaned annoyed as I sat down the teacher told the new kid to sit behind me I put my head down Kaeya turned to me as the new kid came and sat behind me Kaeya was looking at him then sighed "Aren't you mad?" He asked as everyone else spoke loudly I nod "Yeah kinda" I heard books behind me get put on the desk I put my head down on Zhonglis desk I looked up at him he just looked at me with a straight face "Please move" He said I flicked his forehead the teacher walked over to me and hit my head with his papers like he normally does "Childe sit up" Mr. Dainsleif said I sat up and yawned Kaeya and me talked a bit then Mr. Dainsleif started to teach the class

Once class was over me and Kaeya left to go meet Chongyun and Xingqiu when we were walking down the hall we walked past Albedo and Sucrose Kaeya made Albedo drop his books and paper "Sorry~" He smirked and started to help him pick them up Sucrose whispered to Kaeya I didn't hear since I was standing with Chongyun and Xingqiu Kaeya stood up and walked over to us he didn't look to well he told me he had to use the washroom as he left us Kaeya might have been a bully but he does have feelings 

Kaeyas pov

When I walked away I pushed through everyone in the halls I went into the washroom locking myself in a stall tears just ran down my cheeks "W-why..?" I mumbled being quiet I then heard someone come in I wiped my eyes acting tough I walked out to see Albedo washing his hands Albedo looked at me through the mirror I walked over to him and pushed him onto the floor he just sat there taking it I crouched down in front of him I grabbed his hair pulling him closer to me he groaned in pain "Cut your hair jeez long hair doesn't suit you" I threw his head back making him hit his head off the wall I got up and left the washroom I sighed Sucrose was waiting outside she smiled at me I walked away going to the roof where I knew Childe and the other two were when I came up I seeing Zhongli sitting against the fence and Childe with his leg over Zhonglis head he was holding Zhonglis book "Childe what are you even doing?" I asked he looked at me "He came up to our spot" Zhongli just sat there staring at Childe I walked over and sat down beside him "Just give him his book back he's quiet" Childe dropped it on Zhonglis head Zhongli looked down at the book now opened to a random page I looked away I was still sitting beside him Childe kicked around a can the bell rang Chongyun was dragged to class by Xingqiu 

Childes pov

I looked at Zhongli after kicking an empty can at him he sighed and got up he just walked away forgetting his book I looked at it Kaeya sighed and stared at the sky I walked over to him sitting where Zhongli was I grabbed the book off the ground "What happened earlier..? Did she say something to you again?" I asked he just nodded "Yeah of course she did" He sighed rubbing his face "Just ignore her you have a chance I know you do" I pat his shoulder "What if I really don't though maybe they'll get together and I won't even be able to tell him or I do tell him and he hates me" He sounded like he was about to cry I sigh and throw the can at him "Just shut up you'll be fine you two will get together have some hope"

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