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So if your here, I'm sorry. I truly am. I don't know how badly you've been hurt but I want to try and help you.

So here are some things I do when I feel like no one cares about me.

We all know about those devil and angel on your shoulders things in cartoons, right?

Well imagine that now, but on you.

Let me explain

Picture the devil on your right shoulder, and the angel on your left.

Now, we all know the voice telling you "your not enough" and "if you died today, no one would notice" correct? Well, I picture it as the devil saying those things, whispering in my ear as is sits on my right shoulder. And the devil lies. It lies. And we believe it.

The angel is the one voice telling you "you'r beautiful!" And "you WILL get through this!" But why don't we listen to it?

The devil is almost always overpowering the angel, and that's the problem.

Now, picture the devil and angel on your shoulders, and flick the devil off. Yup, just throw it to the floor and crush it with the heel of your foot. Then, scoot the angel closer to your ear, so that the angel overpowers the devil, maybe barely, but let the angel overpower the devil, even if by just a bit.

You see that mirror? Yeah, we'll go to it and tell your self,

"I am beautiful,

I am amazing,

They'r all lying,

I am perfect the way I am,

If I passed, the whole world would mourn,

If I died today, everyone would notice,

I am loved,

I matter"

See? Do you feel better now? 

I hope the devil and angel trick ( as I like to call it ) worked for you all.

Now go live the life your living!

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