Chapter 1: Soulmate's?

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(Cole's P.O.V.)

I wake up early, to the sound of a gong going off. It's not Wednesday, so we don't have sunrise exercise, and it's the weekend, but Sensei still woke us up early for some weird reason.

Even though I don't want to since it's the weekend, I get up anyway, put on my Gi, comb my hair, and everything else I need to do.

After I'm done, I walk to the kitchen for breakfast, where everyone else is. The others look just as confused as I do.

Sensei Wu walks in with Misako, and Jay is the first to speak up.

Jay: "What's going on? It's the weekend, so why are we up so early?"

Sensei Wu: "News reporters say that a experiment went wrong. Scientists were making something to help track down people who are missing, but instead it helps you find your soulmate."

Nya: "How does that work?"

Sensei Wu: "Men can hear their Soulmates sing, can feel what they are feeling, and if they get hurt then their soulmate gets a scar or a bruise wherever their soulmate gets hurt at. It's basically the same for women too."

Kai: "Ok... what does that have to do with us?"

Misako: "Because it has affected everyone in Ninjago. It has already ruined a couple relationships and friendships."

Jay: "So you want us to try and find ours?"

Sensei Wu: "Yes."

Misako: "Nya."

Nya: "Yes?"

Misako: "Go onto the deck, and try singing a song."

Nya: "Alright, I'll be back after I'm done singing. If one of you don't come to me that is."

Nya walks out, and closes the door behind her. I really hope Jay hears her, because I do NOT want a repeat of what happened with the perfect match machine.

(Jay's P.O.V.)

Nya walks out, and closes the door behind her. I really hope I hear her, because I do NOT want a repeat of what happens with the perfect match machine.

I suddenly start to hear singing. I look are the other guys, but they don't seem to hear it. It sounds like Nya singing.

(I can kinda see Nya actually singing this, so I chose this song for her to sing)

I quietly walk out of the room without anyone noticing, and fallow the sound of the voice singing.

When I got to the deck, I was met with the sight of Nya singing the song I heard, in the same voice.

Nya stops singing, and turns around to face me. Her face lights up when she sees me, and immediately runs into my arms for a hug.

We hug each other tightly, and don't let go even after Sensei Wu, Misako and the guys all walked up to the deck.

Kai: "Okay, we get it. Your soulmates, but you can stop hugging now."

Ninjago Soulmate AU: Cole X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now