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*that's Jennie's sweater*

I took the sweater and inhaled the scent,it smells just like her, I felt calm after smelling her sweet scent but I came to reality when I remembered what my dad said

"Love is a weakness*

*cancel my meeting I am going to my dad's house*my assistant nodded so I took my car keys and drove to my parents house

I parked my car and went inside the house as the door was opened and the guards let me cuz of course this is my parents house

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I parked my car and went inside the house as the door was opened and the guards let me cuz of course this is my parents house

I parked my car and went inside the house as the door was opened and the guards let me cuz of course this is my parents house

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My father came from the basement*oh shit he was in the basement*I mumbled,he came and hugged me*welcome my son*

*hey dad I am here to take my wife*he chuckled*so you just came for your wife,son are you forgetting who you are?*I looked at him confused

*you will be the next alpha king and your soft for a girl remember love is weak*

*don't listen to him Jimin*my wolf spoke *anyway let my wife go*he signed a guard to bring her,I saw her coming upstairs looking down and she was limping

*wtf did you do?why is she limping?*

He laughed*she was annoying so I hit her don't worry I didn't fuck her,you first oh and after your done fucking her can you give her to me like share your wife with me,she is a sexy one good choice son*

*I don't share what's mine*I was about to grab jennie but my dad stopped me*we have to talk*he took me to him lounge

*I don't share what's mine*I was about to grab jennie but my dad stopped me*we have to talk*he took me to him lounge

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Escape the alpha kingWhere stories live. Discover now