Dean Ambrose returns and saves Angelina

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Angelina Bryan's pov

I looked in the mirror. My scar on my eye from that day looking straight at me. The chair shot from Seth gave me a huge scar straight down my eye.

I had stitches in then got them out. I'll never forgive him for this or forget that day. I'll never forget the day he drove Dean's skull into those cinder blocks.

He's the reason the love my life, barely just started fully trusted me again. He's the reason the love of my life has been gone for months.

I was in my gear (pic at the top) and went to go to catering. I was almost there when I heard my name. I stop and look to see Seth in the ring.

We were at Night of Champions and I was facing Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship later on tonight. Roman had to go to the hospital and I was there with him until I had to leave.

"So I wanna take this time to call out... The matriarch... The beauty and the talent... of the divas division... Your soon to be new divas champion... Angelina Bryan." Seth says.

I was confused. But I went out there anyway. My theme plays and I walk out to screaming and jumping fans. I walk down the ramp and saw Seth smirking at me.

I get on the apron and Seth sat on the ropes for me. I slowly got in the ring and then backed away and got a mic.

"Hello, Angelina. Looking good. As always." He says.

"Thanx, Seth. But how about you get to the point of why I'm out here rather than complimenting me." I say.

He chuckles.

"Look... Since I win by forfeit because of Roman Reigns' no show--(gco)" Seth begins.

"He had emergency surgery! You win by forfeit because you're a coward! You're a liar and you can't face Roman Reigns face to face because just like you did to me, Dean, and Roman, you cheap shotted us from behind because you're nothing but a bitch." I sneer in his face.

The fans cheer and scream as Seth glared at me. He pushed me down and slaps me. The fans gasp and I hold my cheek as I stayed on my knees by the ropes. My left hand on the rope and my right hand holding my cheek. Seth was yelling at me.

He pushes me down to the mat and sets me up for the Curbstomp but then...

That familiar engine starts and the music begins. I look up and see Dean slide in and attack Seth.

I staid where I was and then after Seth weaseled away, Dean's theme plays. Dean comes over to and kneels down to me.

"Baby, are you ok? Can you hear me?" He asks.

I get on my side. He moves my hair and gets me to sit up. I still held my cheek. He moves my hand and kisses my cheek. He pulls me up with him and our eyes lock.

He kisses me, causing the fans to go NUTS! I kiss back and he deepens it. He wraps his arms, firmly, around my waist. Mine go around his neck as we make out in the middle of the ring.

We pull away but our faces never distant. We stayed close to where our breath mixed together.

"Where were you?" I ask, my voice cracked.

I gripped onto him for dear life, fearing this was just a dream.

"I'll explain everything at the hotel, baby. I promise. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He says.

️I sniffle and cup his face and he holds me close. We go backstage and everyone gave us our space. Giving Dean silent welcome backs as he thanked them.

I hugged him closer and he did the same.

"When's your match?" He asks.

"They told me to take the night off and I can have my match tomorrow night on RAW." I say.

"Why not tonight?" He asks.

"Because they have a storyline happening so they put AJ, Nikki, and Paige in it. I face the winner tomorrow night for the title." I say.

"Congrats, babe. I can't wait to have my divas champ on my arm again." He says.

I smile and he kisses my cheek. We got to my locker room and he helped me get my stuff.

"Babe, it's ok. I got it." I say.

"No, let me. I wasn't here for you for months. I gotta make it up to you." He says and kisses my lips then walks out.

I follow and we get to my car and I let him drive.

"Can we go to the hospital? I wanna see Joe and check on him." I say.

"Joe? What happened to him? That man hasn't been in a hospital since the day he was born, his kid was born and the times we got put in the hospital." He says.

"Jon... He had emergency hernia surgery." I say.

He looked worried. He rushed to the hospital and we got there. We went to his room and I knocked then walked in. He was talking to Galina while Jojo sat next to him when Jojo saw me.

"Auntie Angie!!!" Jojo screams, catching her parents attention.

Jojo runs to me and I pick her up as she squeezes the hell out of my neck as I laugh.

"Hey, squirt. You taking care of daddy?" I ask.

"Yeah. Daddy was feeling better when mommy and I are here. But now he'll probably feel a whole lot better now that you're here." Jojo says.

"Oh, really?" I ask and put her down.

"Hey, Ange." Galina says.

"Hey, girl." I say as we hug.

I then go over to my fallen superman brother/best friend.

"Hey babygirl." He says as I bend down and kiss his cheek.

"Hey. Got a surprise for you." I say and Jon walks in.

"Jon." Joe says.

"Hey, man." Jon says, walking in.

They bro hug then we all sit down.

"Where have you been? You disappeared on us. Our little pup was left to fend for herself so I stepped in." Joe says.

"I know. Thank you, for keeping her safe. I owe you one. I'll explain everything another time. I just want us all to just relax." Jon says.

We all agree.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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