Burning Passion (P2)

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Bruce was typing away on the bat computer while Terry was walking in,,

" I know what you're thinking, I screwed up big time. " The teen started, his mentor not even bothering to look back at him,, only uttering the words.

" Nobody's perfect. "

" Tch.. any trace of where they took em'? I can go back out th— "

" That won't be necessary. It's a school night, get home before your mother's throws a fit. "
Bruce said, cutting him off entirely.

"So you are mad? Figured."

Terry hung up the suit. Calling it night.. not like he had much of a choice at this point.

And Ace barking at him didn't make things better..

" I get the hint, boy. "

The Next Day.

" Wow.. The whole place caught on fire? "
Said his best friend; Max who already discovered him being Batman a while ago.

" Yeah.. didn't see anything flammable in there though,, I'm not sure how it escalated
that far."
He muttered with a dragged out yawn.

" Terry.. You can't keep sleeping in class.. maybe you should ask Mr Wayne for a few nights off? Being Bat— "

" Hey! Keep it down will ya?? And I'm fine.. I'll get my four hours after all this is over. "

She rose a brow at his words.
" Four hours..? Say that all you want but no amount of coffee can help you keep up with that party animal of a girlfriend of yours!"

She teased with a delicate laugh. But Terry didn't say anything,, only rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah-Yeah! Chuckles! C'mon,, class is starting soon. Don't wanna be late. "
〖Howard's P.O.V.〗

"I'm so.. Hot! I feel as if my body temperature is through the roof.. " I spattered out, leaning against the wall. Unknowingly leaving skit marks on the wall; along with a trail of smoke following behind me.

" My family.. I have to.. "

I could hardly keep my eyes open but I just managed to open the door to my apartment,, I stumbled first thing on the floor. My inside burning me alive.
The amount of pain I had to endure was unbearable... just what was wrong with me??

I crawled to the sink, in a panic to drink a class of water.. hoping to cool my body for what it was worth and then I heard a voice..

" Honey..? "

It was my wife! I quickly turned to her; a weak yet gentle smile on my features.

" Beloved! Oh How I— "
" Aaahhh!!!! "

I turned behind me to see if I was followed or some sort.. I saw; nothing?? I turned back to her. My wife looking at me terrified. As if I was a monster and every step I took forward she took two steps back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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