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Club Zebstrika—one of Nimbasa City's go-to places for its after-dark denizens—was bustling with its usual night-life activity. People from all walks of life gathered by the bar area, sipping on cocktails while others danced with either their friends or perfect strangers. Standing with his back to the bar, was a young man with dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and thin-rimmed glasses. He wore a black button-down shirt with gold trimmings and matching pants. He had earbuds in and was speaking with someone over the X-Transceiver.

"Ivan my man, what's up, how'd it go!?" he asked in an enthusiastic voice as he spoke to the man on screen.

The individual he was speaking to had jet black hair and bright green eyes.

"I... didn't make the cut, Tommy," Ivan said in a defeated tone.

Tommy winced as he saw how deflated Ivan's mood was. "Ouch... that's not good. Did they say why?" Tommy asked, reaching over to grab his mago berry cocktail and take a sip.

Ivan shrugged. "Not enough energy. They said I was too stiff, or something like that. They didn't even let me continue with the rest of the script, they just sorta... cut me off."

"Yikes, that's brutal. I'm sorry about that dude. Is there anything I can do to help? I know how much you wanted that gig considering you'd been practicing for months to get it. Did you tell Roxie about it yet?"

"Yeah, and she thought it was bogus too. She said she had half a mind to march right in there, and I quote, 'give that dippy, dorky daft, dumb doofus,' a piece of her mind," Ivan said laughing.

"That definitely sounds like her. Even after all these years, she still talks like that. She even still says 'bang zoom!' during her gym battles," Tommy chuckled. "Anyway dude, where are you, is that the ferris wheel in the background?"

"Yeah, I decided to head to Nimbasa to take my mind off things. Sometimes riding the ferris wheel helps me clear my head, you know?"

"I know, and that's great and all, but maybe you should come down to Club Zebstrika. I'll buy you a drink and we can find a solution to your problem," Tommy suggested.

Ivan thought about it for a moment. It had been a while since he'd been back there. He and Tommy always used to visit whenever they weren't busy stressing out over work. Deciding he would take him up on his offer, Ivan nodded and agreed to meet him there.

"Alright, I'll see you in five."

"Sounds great. I'll make sure there's a razz berry wine waiting," Tommy replied before ending the call.

Before long, Ivan was in the club, and crossing the dance floor in order to reach the bar where Tommy was seated. Sitting down, Ivan put his head on the table and let out a long sigh followed by a groan.

"It really was that bad wasn't it?"


Moments later, the bartender slid the glass over to Tommy who passed it to Ivan.

"Thanks," Ivan muttered, sitting up to take a sip.

"No problem, bud. I know what it feels like to be at a low spot. Hell, this week has been nothing but one crazy disappointment after another. I can't get a single good article out there and it's annoying the crap out of me," Tommy grumbled, taking another sip of his drink before setting it down.

"No juicy bits to write about huh? That sounds depressing," Ivan replied, running a hand through his hair out of stress.

"Exactly. There's just nothing to report on right now. It feels like going through caffeine withdrawl, it sucks."

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