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i was lying down in my bed. i felt so exhausted. there had been so many things happening this week that i didnt have any time to just sit and contemplate life.

my eyes were fixed at the ceiling and i had my taylor swift album blasting on my record player.

thats when i heard a sudden buzzing from the carpet.

ugh it was the phone. way to ruin my peace and quiet. but it was probably just millie with her daily dose of facetime.

i groaned and got up from off my bed collapsed onto the carpet, where i picked up my phone.

i looked down at the screen. it wasn't millie who was calling me, it was my producer, robbie. why was he calling me at such a random time?

i looked down and answered the phone.

"hey robbie. whats up?" i said through the phone.

"hi y/n. how are you? i need to talk to you about something!" he replied.

i was confused. "okay. spill it."

he began to talk again. "so i saw that you had started to post some of your original songs on your social media."

"yeah my friend millie convinced me to. should i stop or?"

he shook his head.

"no no no y/n." he stopped me. "keep doing what your doing. your amazing."

i gave out a sigh of relieve. "good then."

"but." he added. "i saw your song. i think you called it drivers license. it is a work of art."

i smiled. "thanks robbie. that's very kind of you."

"no problem y/n. but i was wondering. if you wanted, we could make this bigger. you could add more lyrics and we could complete it."

my eyes grew bigger and i got excited. "oh my gosh wow! i would love to."

"okay y/n. thats great. lets find some time to get you into the studio sometime soon. your a star and you have a lot more potential." he told me. "can't wait to see you and start working."

"yeah me too robbie. ill see if i can finish some more of the lyrics, and ill see you in the studio sometime soon."

"sounds great y/n. have a great rest of your day."

"you too. bye."

i hung up the phone and danced around my room. i was so excited to actually hear one of my originals, not on the piano.

but in the meanwhile, i had to figure out the rest of the lyrics to complete the song. it wouldn't be hard though, because in this case, the lyrics just come to me.

i sat around for hours trying to come up with more words. part of me wanted this song to be perfect, but the other part of me wanted it to be like the real story. but the real story really was just messy.

maybe a combination of both might work. perfect yet messy. sounded good to me.

eventually, the words came to me. i wrote them down on paper to make sure i had them down.

✔ 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄, finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now