Chapter six: As the shadows grow and the problem must be faced at any cost

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Sophie got on her knees and started shaking Will. Lewis woke up and asked "What happened?" Billie turned to him and said "Glitch trap forced his soul out of you and went into Will." Lewis's eyes widened and said "We need to get out of here before he wakes up." Sophie turned to him and said "I am not going to leave Will." Lewis shook his head and said "That is not going to be Will in a couple of minutes. I am sorry Sophie but we need to go." Sophie began to cry and let go of Will's hand. She walked over to Lewis and Billie and the left. The three were walking around the building the Billie said "We need a car or we will be caught." Then a car pulled around and the window opened. It was Ryan. He told them to get in. The three of them got in and Ryan asked "Where is Will?" Sophie began to cry again and Lewis said "We will talk about it later." Ryan turned the car the other way and drove. But out of the of her eye Sophie see the door of the house open and Glitch trap was there. He winked at her and shut the door. The car drove away and Sophie continued to cry. Billie sat next to Sophie and rubbed her shoulder. She was trying everything to comfort Sophie. Lewis looked back at the two girls every now and then. When the four reached the hotel Billie got out and helped Sophie out. Ryan took out the room key and opened the door. The all get in and Ryan locks the door. Everyone comes out and see the four. Chloe looks at them and asked "Where is Will?" Sophie began to cry harder. Billie walked Sophie to a bed and sat her down. Chris stood up and asked "Is Will dead?" Lewis shook his head no and said "No. It's a lot worse. Glitch trap forced his soul out of my body and went inside of Will. I guess Glitch trap was tired of being controlled so he just left me hoping Will was weaker than me." Meanwhile at the used to be safe house Glitch trap began to talk to Will. He said "William Ryan it is nice not to be torturing you. I think we should get to know each other. You know somethings about me. But not everything. You see I have always wanted to be free from that animatronic hell I called a body. At first I looked for ways to become human. Then one day I discovered that I could force my soul into someone else's body. I tried it out on a customer once. It worked and I was happy. But it didn't feel right. I could feel the person slowly going mad in their own head. So I left. But I didn't give up. But every time I forced myself into a body my soul became more corrupt. The last person I possessed before Lewis was different. They were really strong mentally. They took control and slit their arms. Hoping it would kill me. They died and I was set back to my body. I waited so many years for someone else. Then I saw Lewis. The moment I saw him I knew I need to control him. He reminded me of me before I was corrupted. But the moment I possessed him he was stronger than me. I got so tried of him over taking me. So I left and went into you." Will laughed and said "You made a mistake possessing me. My friends and family won't stop till I am in control and you are gone. I am stronger than you. I will win this fight and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Just by possessing me you angered everyone else. You are so screwed you mother fucker. Or as my good friend Chris says you dumb fuck." Back at the hotel everyone was trying to calm Sophie down except Lewis and Billie. They were outside keeping an eye out. Then Lewis turns to Billie and asks "Can I see the ring?" Billie took the ring off her finger and said "Sure." She put it in his hand. Lewis pulled something out of his pocket and turned around. A couple minutes later Lewis turns back to Billie and says "I have loved you from the moment I met you. I never want to leave you again. I am sorry that all of this has happened." Then Lewis got on one knee and opened a box containing the ring. And he continued saying "I want to be by your side for the rest of my life. So I was wondering if you will marry me." Billie covered her mouth and said "Yes Lewis, I will marry you." Lewis stood up and put the ring on her finger. The two then hugged. Lewis and Billie were both happy. Then Ryan came out and said "Sorry to break up this romantic but we need to get food and water." Lewis and Billie walked in the room. Lewis stood up and said "Everyone except me, Billie, and Sophie will go in the cars and go get everything that is needed. Everyone got up and split up into the cars and left. Lewis stayed outside to keep and eye out while Billie helped Sophie. Sophie continued to cry and Billie said "I understand what you are feeling right now Sophie. I was the same way when Lewis was possessed. But I stopped because I knew Lewis want me to be sad so I stood tall and her I am now." Sophie stopped crying and said "I understand what you mean, but Will is my life. Without him I am nothing." Billie looked her in the eyes and said "I was the same way. You have to understand you have to stop or your emotions will hold you back." The door opened Lewis came in. He sat next to Billie and told Sophie "Will is stronger than you think. He will over come this and everything will be okay. I promise." There was a hush of wind and a voice asked "How can you promise something you don't even know is true?" The three looked over and saw Glitch trap standing next to the door. He walked to the three and said "I am not here to kill anyone I am here to solve a problem." Lewis stood up and asked "What do you mean?" Glitch trap forced Lewis's soul out of his body. Lewis's body fell to the ground while his soul was in Glitch trap's hand. Glitch trap forced his soul out of Will's body and went back into Lewis's body. When inside Lewis's body Glitch trap took Lewis's soul and forced it into Will's body. Will's body fell to the ground and Glitch trap turned to the girls and said "Till later ladies." Then he disappeared. The girls looked at Will's body and then at each other. The two put Will's body on a bed and went outside. Billie closed the door and asked Sophie "What do you think Glitch trap just did?" Sophie shrugged her shoulders and said "I have no clue." While the two were talking inside the room Will's body slowly changed. The hair became short and faded into a black color. Then the eyes open. Will rubbed his forehead head with his left hand and asked "What just happened?" He tried to move his right hand but it wasn't working. He went to get up but he fell to the floor because the whole right said of his body wasn't able to move. The girls came back in and saw Will on the floor. Will looked up at them and asked "What's wrong?" Then he felt his hair and felt that it was shorter. Then the right half of Will's body began to move. Will then asked "Lewis?" Will's head shook yes. Then Lewis's voice came through and said "Glitch trap must have fused our souls. So Will what we need to do right now is work together to see if we can get to the bathroom. You have the left side of the body and I have the right." Then Will's voice came through and asked "How do we do this?" Then Lewis said "I have no idea but we need to at least get to the bathroom."

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