Abbott's School For Boys

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Why do they do this? why do they beat me?

These were the questions that ran through Percy's head as a group of older boys beat him so that he was bruised and bleeding. The group of bullies had been bullying Percy for some time now, but when he started to show just the smallest bit of resistance they started to beat him so that he couldn't walk.

"your weak, no one cares about you, they hate you"

Max was the leader of the group, he shouted these words at Percy but they didnt register because at the precise moment Max nocked him out and left him on the back oval of  Abbotts 's School for boys. It started to rain has the group left him to freeze, he rain got heavier and soon it started to hail. A hail stone the size of a golfball hit Percy in the leg and thats what woke him up. It took Percy five seconds to realize where he was, he tried to stand up but his legs wouldn't do as he said, he just kept falling over when ever he stood up. The hail started to get heavier and the rain picked up. He decided to drag himself to cover before he got seriously injured. It was a slow process but in the end he manged to drag him self to a tree and take cover there, he was even more beat up then before, covered in cuts and blood he sat, back to the tree and waited for the hail to stop.

An hour or so later he dragged himself to his feet and started to pull him self to his dorm. The rain was heavier then before but the hail had stopped and that was good enough for Percy. All he wanted was to have a hot shower, wash the blood from his body and patch him self up.

Percy opened the door to his room, some how he managed to get here with out anyone seeing him, he dragged him self to the bathroom and turned the hot water on in the shower.  His body was in pain, the hot water cleaned his cuts and washed the blood away but it stung. His shower lasted ten minutes, he dragged his tired body to his bed and fell into a deep sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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