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Even though Headphones was happy to be back at school, she had the suspicion that her team was hiding something from her.

It wasn't until the recess when, a couple of Skull's fans, came accross her way, no king down her books and pinning her against a wall

Fan1: "what Does Skull even sees on you?"
F2: "yeah!!! You are not as good as some would say"
F3: "I can't believe Even Half Rim likes you"

Headphones could only stare at the girls, before sighing with sadness, she looked down knowing it wasn't worth for her to confront them.

Even so,  one of the fans slapped her before wickedly laughing

F1: "let's go, we don't want to see such a crumy baby cry"

Headphones teared up as she touched the red mark that girl had left, after laughing at her, the girls finally left, their laughs echoing in Headphones' head.

"they are right.... I'm not good"

She sobbed as she sat on the ground, crying silently, she didn't want to make noise.

She stopped crying when a set for footsteps alarmed her.
"Oh no...."

She stood up and turned around, checking her backpack, pretending to be looking for something.

V:"...why are you here"
H: "H-huh?"

She turned around to look at Vintage, great,the ex of her ex crush.

V: "I said why are you here"
H: "w-well I got lost.."
V: "yeah sure"

He looked at her but notice her hair falling down on her cheek, he moved it aside and looked worried just for a second

V:"who slapped you?"
H: "N-no one... I-is just a bruise"
V: "Don't let skull watch it, or he will  go nuts"
H: "y-yeah."

She didn't really cared, she was still mad at him even tougth they had made peace between each other.

V: "... I'm sure you two will be perfect for each other"

And with that he was gone
Headphones blushed and looked at him walking away.

H: "Well. I'm sure we won't"


As Headphones was walking trough the corridor she heard something weird. Like.... A sound coming from an empty classroom.
She looked at the classroom to find Aloha and Army, Army stking on a desk while kissing Aloha deeply, Aloha was holding him closely as they both made a mess on the desk, dropping everything to the ground.

H: "I better not interrupt"

But even so she couldn't feel bad, Forge had suffered a lot because Of Army 
Army made a sound as Aloha was now busy with his neck...

Headphones blushed heavily and walked away.
"Privacy is still important tho"


 Anything To You. (Coroika Manga, Headphones X Skull) Where stories live. Discover now