Truth or Dare

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Tanaka: So who's first

Terushima: I'll go 😎

Noya: Alright 😆😋

Terushima: Hey snake boi😘

Daishou: My name is not snake boi it's daishou 🤬

Kuroo: he not wrong tho 🤭

Kenma: Shut up kuroo 😒

Kuroo: Ok kenma❤️

Terushima: ok- Oh daishou Truth or dare 😏

Daishou: Truth-

Terushima: AR U SINGLE 😃

Kuroo: yea he is-

Daishou: no I'm not rooster hair

Kuroo: Snake face

Kenma: that was the worst insult I expected from you 🥱

Kuroo: Ken-

Terushima: Are you single or not 😃

Daishou: Yes ok 😒 (annoying b****)

Bokuto: OK MY TURN😎

Tanaka: ok 👌

Bokuto: Sooo-Akaashi 😍

Akaashi: yes bokuto-san ❤️

Bokuto: Truth or dare 😘

Akaashi: truth ❤️🥰

Bokuto: Is it true that you love me 🥺❤️

Akaashi : Yes bokuto-san🥰🥺

Ennoshita : Don't show your lovely dovely stuff in front of us 😭

Kinnoshita: your making us single-

Ennoshita: you have no room to talk, after you and kinnoshita lied to me that-

Narita: WE'RE SORRY 😭

Kinnoshita: yea 🥲

Suga: ok I'm next

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