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"With the extraordinary treasure that sat there before our eyes, at that moment, Roger was...laughing. So were we. We laughed so hard that we cried."

"'Joyboy, I...wish that I had lived in the same era as you', Roger said with tears from laughing in the corners of his eyes. He let out a short chuckle before continuing, 'How could you leave this stupendous treasure! It's such a funny story...', Roger would gaze at the treasure with his iconic smile on his face. He turned suddenly and looked at us, 'Hey, everyone...' We stopped laughing and looked at him wondering what he wanted, 'Why don't we name this last island where no man could reach for 800 years something like...' We all smiled, since we already had an idea of what he wanted to name it. Roger smiled back at us and threw his arms up into the air, 'Laugh Tale!'", and that's the end for now.

Whoa, that's such a cool story, Nee-chan!

It's more than just a story, it's a legend. What did you like the most about it?

Oden and Roger! The two of them are so cool!

Yeah, they sure are.

The stories you tell me about them are always so amazing! Are they the heroes Queen talks about?

Heroes? Nah, I'm sure they wouldn't call themselves that. But everyone else definitely would. Ya see, Oden and Roger were adventurers. They followed no one's rules and went to the ends of the earth for the thrill of it. Because of that, they were called criminal vigilantes, pirates, by the world government, the people who say what's justice. But people's lives were definitely saved and influenced by them so I'm sure there are still some people out there that are definitely celebrating and remembering them as heroes. The legendary heroes, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger and Samurai from the Land of Wano Kozuki Oden.

Ooh......Nee-chan, what happened to them?

...You don't wanna know. That'd be spoiling the story if I told you now.

I wanna know! Tell me! I don't care about spoilers!

...Alright. After reaching the final island, the Roger Pirates disbanded. Roger had an incurable disease and wanted to go on one more adventure before he died. After doing that, they decided to go their separate ways. Roger gave himself in and was executed publicly. Oden returned to the land of Wano only to find that it was now under the rule of Kurozumi Orochi and our father, Kaido. Oden fought to take back the Land of Wano from Kaido, but he was defeated after being tricked by Orochi's minion. And then, 8 years ago, 4 years before you were born, Oden and his retainers was sentenced to public execution by boiling. However, Oden made a deal with Kaido. If those sentenced to execution could survive in the pot for 1 hour, they'd be free to go. Oden jumped into the boiling pot and held his retainers above his head on a wooden lid. And he did it, he survived an entire hour in the boiling oil. But Orochi is too vile to honour his word. At the last minute, he changed the execution from boiling to shooting. Oden managed to save his retainers by throwing them a great distance away. His life finally came to end after being shot in the head by Kaido himself.


I know it's a lot to take in, especially for someone as young as you. It's alright. It's horrible, and I'm not gonna lie and tell you it isn't.

Nee-chan......*Crying* are we evil?

What, no! No, no, no, no, of course not. What happened had nothing to do with you. You're innocent in all of this. You've done nothing wrong at all. The one's to blame are Kaido and Orochi. Just because you share blood with Kaido, doesn't mean you're responsible for anything he's done.

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