Chapter 6 The Game

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My legs urge itself to move faster, and it does as I also feel the same way. Side-stepping countless times to confuse the opponent, I easily run past him to face another opponent. As the last opponent tries to catch up to me, I easily pass through the shock boy. Speeding to the net to score a point, I get into a shooting position and sunk the ball into the net. My breathing wasn't too even, but not noticeable enough for others to find out. A small portion of sweat rolls down my face as the edge of my eye sees the man raise his hand stopping the game.

Having a smug look on his face, he turns towards me who ignores his stare, "Well, Fujimoto-san?"

Clicking my tongue but not too loud for him to hear, I bite my bottom lip. Even though I knew this was his plan all along and said I wouldn't give in, I still do. This man is dangerous and I have to look out for myself to not be stuck into one of his plans. My eyes take a glance at the score and I chuckle lightly. 15-8. Not a huge difference but huge enough to say that I have defeated five basketball members within 10 minutes with that score.

" Looks like you win." I whisper to myself before answering the man," Fine, I'll join."

Nodding at my approval, he starts talking to a boy with short combed black hair and eyes. I get into my own world as questions start to fill my mind of this impossibility. This is definitely impossible. But still is. How did this even happen? How can something impossible happen? My attention then turns to Kuroko as he hands me a towel and a water bottle. A small smile appears on his face.

" Welcome to Teiko Basketball First String, Yuki-kun." he congratulates.

" Thanks." I reply taking the towel and bottle.

" You're not that bad, Chibi." the dark blue haired boy comments as he walks towards us while I wipe my sweat away.

" Thanks, but my name isn't 'chibi'. It's Fujimoto Yuki, for your information." I start getting a sip of the water bottle.

" Ok Chibi. I'm Daiki Aomine." he ignores my statement.

 " Ok, Ahomine." I smirk.

" Aomine. Not Ahomine."

" I know Ahomine." I continue my tease.

Aomine continues to keep the annoyed face and turns his head away from us mumbling something not loud enough for me to hear. Wait a minute. Daiki Aomine? Isn't he one of the Generation of Miracles? The one who exceeds in shooting in any form. The ace of the team? My eyes glance to Kuroko as he talks with Aomine. Then how about Kuroko? He seems really close to Aomine, not just by being a teammate. He's not one of the five main Generation if Miracles, I know that, so...does that mean he might be the sixth phantom member who exceeds in passing? I take another look at Kuroko who like always have calm expression but now is facing me.

" Kuroko-chan. By any chance are you the sixth phantom member? The one who exceeds in passing?" I ask curiously.

" Huh?" he replies a bit shock at my question,"Yes. That's right. How did you know?"

" A hunch." I reply with a shrug," But, if I remember, I thought the sixth member was invisible? But you don't seem invisible."

Both of the boys' eyes widen at my comment.

" Wa...Wait. You can see Tetsu?" Aomine asks as if a miracle has happened right in front of his eyes.

" Yes, I can see him like I see other people." I reply scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion.

The boys continue to look at me with shock until we get interrupted by the man.

" Fujimoto-kun, I would like to introduce you to the captain of the first string team. This here," the man starts as he gestures to the boy who he was talking to before," is Shuzo Nijimura. He'll be here if you have any problems with the team or anything. And as you can see, I am the vice-couch. You may call me Sanada, if you wish. That's all for the introduction, let's get to the main point. Since you're a newcomer in this team just now, like Kuroko, you'll be guided by the Generation of Miracles."

" What?!" I ask as my eyes bulge out.

" I believe since they're in the same age as you, it'll be better for you to be taught by them. It's a good opportunity for you since it's a one in a life time chance, you may say." he states," Kuroko, Aomine, introduce her to the others. I have work to do."

Kuroko and Aomine nod as the vice-couch starts walking away with Nijimura following. Nijimura gives me a quick glance before he continues to follow the vice-couch.My shock continues to contain me as I get in a daze. Instructed by the Generation of Miracles itself? This is definitely more of an impossibility than we playing that game.

" Yuki-kun, please follow us to meet with the others." Kuroko states.

" Huh? Ya, sure." I agree as the two boys start to walk with me following.

My free hand which isn't holding the bottle and towel, reaches to the back of my neck and starts rubbing it as. The bottom of my lips gets bitten as my eyes start to close. This isn't really happening, right? It's all just a dream. I can't just suddenly enter this school in just two days and get placed in the first string with the Generation of Miracles instructing me! Opening my eyes, I see a few groups of boys start to whisper at each other while giving me glances. Just by their movement, I can tell who they're gossiping about. Me. So obvious. The impossibility happened right in front of their eyes. Can this even get more impossible? Is another miracle going to happen? Can this get anymore crazier. Or to be specific, can my life get anymore crazier? While I follow the two boys, someone grabs my attention. A boy with messy light grey hair stares at me while he licks his thumb giving me shivers. Ok, then. I turn my attention back to the back of Kuroko and Aomine as they give a small chat with each other.

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